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I'm using the long Labor Day weekend to get everything in order for the first day of school on Tuesday. I have my backpack ready to go with all my binders, pens and pencils in it, and even set up the desk in my room to mimic more of a workstation. Mom finally got the promotion that she was vying for at work, so she's been splurging more than usual, surprising me with a brand new laptop for school.

It's Sunday night, so I have one more day of sleeping in before it's back to 6 am alarms. Raegan, her friend Olivia, and I are grabbing a bite to eat at the diner in town. I asked mom if she wanted to join but she was way too comfy on the couch watching some sort of rom-com on Netflix. However, she did request that I bring her back a burger and fries.

"I can't believe school starts in two days. Are you girls ready?" Olivia asks.

"I think so," I smile, reaching for the ketchup bottle. I copied mom and ordered a burger and fries, while Raegan's munching on some kind of wrap and Olivia's digging into a salad. "I'm so happy we're all in the same trig class. And Teddy and I have 2nd period together, so that'll be good."

"I'm so happy you guys are close," Raegan tells me of my relationship with him. "Part of me had a feeling that nothing could stand in the way of your friendship with him."

"I'm happy we are, too," I tell her. "He's been great."

"And Lucas? Still no word from him?"

"He texted me the other day, but I didn't answer."

"Lily, what? Why not?"

"It was a screenshot of a Harry Styles song that he was listening to on his phone. What was I supposed to say?"

"Uh...anything," she says, then sighs. "Lily, he's trying. Wouldn't you rather have him in your life in some way than not at all?"

"I don't know," I tell her. "I really don't. My feelings for Lucas are so strong that they scare me. And I hate feeling scared."

"You're only scared because you've never felt this way before."

I shrug my shoulders and pout my lips at her, biting into my burger.

Raegan's eyes lift up at the door as I chew my meal and she says, "Don't freak, but Lucas just walked in with Marshall and Landon."

"What?" I shriek, immediately dropping my burger down as her eyes continue to follow them.

"It's fine. I don't think they see us. They're sitting closer to the front of the room."

"Yeah, but we're going to have to pass them eventually."

"Just, chill for now," she says, steadying her palms in the air. "Trust me, he doesn't know that you're here."

My stomach immediately forms into knots and I can't focus at all. Raegan and Olivia know it too when they both try garnering my attention and I don't answer.

"Girls, I think I have to leave," I finally tell them and they skeptically look at me.

"Okay," Raegan says. "I'll get the check."

"No. You stay. I'm going to call an Uber."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Let me know how much the bill comes out to and I'll Venmo you."

"Okay," she pouts at me sympathetically, and Olivia reaches for my shoulder to console me. "Text us when you get home."

"I will," I say, reaching for my messenger bag and slipping it across my body.

I get up from the booth and try my hardest to look anywhere but at Lucas's table as I proceed for the exit. There's no way that I can pass him without saying hi, and at the same time, I don't want to ignore him like that. It's not who I am.

When I get closer, I notice Marshall nudge Lucas's arm and nod at me, which gets Lucas to look my way. And then our eyes connect. My hazel ones with his grayish-blues.

I know that I have to approach them, which is why I slowly make my way in their direction.

"Hey, guys," I say when I get to their table.

"Hey, Lily," Marshall goes first, then Landon, then Lucas, whose smirk tells me that he misses me. I miss him right back.

I keep the conversation short and end it with, "Well, I'll see you guys on Tuesday."

"Yeah," Marshall says, continuing to carry the conversation. "See ya, Lily."

I give them a nod but I let my gaze linger on Lucas for a longer amount of time. He looks back at me with the same intensity, and that's when I know that I have to walk out.

It's pouring outside, so it's a good thing that my Uber is waiting out in front. I'm seconds away from touching the door handle when Lucas calls out to me.

"Lil, wait," he shouts over the sound of the rain hitting the cement ground.

"Lucas," I say, squinting my eyes, "what are you doing? Go back inside, it's raining."

"I don't care," he tells me. "I have to talk to you."

I look around the area, noticing the rain. "Can we do it another time?"

"No, this can't wait."

"What can't?" I ask

"This," he says, reaching for the back of my head and pulling me into a kiss. I swear, I know this sounds cliché, but I'm convinced that it looks straight out of a movie. I mean, I feel like I'm in one. Everything about this kiss reminds me how much I've missed Lucas, how right we are together, how staying away from him can't be an option.

"Lucas, wh-"

"Lil, tell me you don't want to be with me and I'll walk away. I swear, I'll walk away."

"I...I," I falter. I can't say it. I can't say that I don't want to be with him. "I can't," I tell him. "I can't say that."

He smiles at me as his hand stays cupping the side of my face. "You have no idea, do you? You have no idea that you're the only one that I want?"

He doesn't give me a chance to answer because he brings me back into a kiss. But if I could speak right now, I'd say:

I do. I do have an idea. Because you're the only one that I want back.

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