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I left Teddy's room with him feeling skeptical and me feeling like I have no control over anything anymore. And I hate that. I hate that nothing feels in order. I hate that Teddy doesn't know what to think. And I hate that I'm making him feel that way.

When I come downstairs, Lucas is still in the kitchen. He's sitting at the island with his hands clasped together like he's waiting for me. He picks his head up when he notices my presence but doesn't speak.

"He's mad at me. Really mad," I blurt out.

"Mad about what? I told him it was an accident."

"He thinks that I'm lying to him."

Lucas immediately swipes his head to look at me. "About?"

There's no way that I'm relaying what Teddy and I just spoke about to Lucas, so I say, "It doesn't matter."

Lucas walks over to me and his eyes search mine. "Lil, about what?"

"It was nothing. Really," I sigh. "I'm going to head out."

Lucas's eyes move from side-to-side as he tries to figure out what I'm feeling. I must not be hard to read because he asks, "You okay, Lil?"

I shake my head and nervously chew on my lower lip. "I don't know," I say truthfully because I really don't. My thoughts are jumbled up right now and I can't seem to find any clarity.

"Tell me what's bothering you," he pleads, and I've never seen Lucas so concerned.

"Nothing. I think I just need to leave."

"Okay. Let me at least walk you out then."

"It's fine," I assure him, but he's quick to counter my sentiment.

"Lil, I'm walking you out."

I don't fight with him because I don't have the strength, and when he places his hand on my back to guide me to the door, I drop my arm down.

"Lucas," I shake my head, insinuating for him not to. He sucks his cheeks in as a scowl forms on his face, and we make our way to the door with space in between our bodies.

"Can I drive you home?" he asks me.

"I called an Uber. It should be here in 3 minutes."

"Okay. I'll wait with you."

"Lucas, you don't ha-"

"Lil, I'm not leaving."

I exhale and let him stay by my side. The quietness in the air is filled with tension, which takes away from its silence.

I turn my body to look at Lucas, who keeps his gaze straight ahead, staring out at the breezy darkness.

"You know, I'd never forgive myself if I was the reason why you and Teddy are fighting," I say.

"Lil," Lucas gulps, shifting his stance to me, "Teddy and I have had our problems way before you ever came into the picture."

I take in what he says, and then state, "Okay."

"Promise me you believe that."

"I do," I nod. "I just...I care about him." I pause. "I care about you, too."

Lucas looks down at me, but this time, doesn't say anything. I don't regret my confession because I want him to know that he means something to me. That they both do.

The Uber finally pulls into the driveway and I turn to look at Lucas once more, this time, offering him a faint smile. "Thanks for keeping me company tonight," I tell him.

"Of course," he says. His gaze on me is so strong, it almost breaks me. I give him one more soft smirk before making my way to the car. "Hey Lil," he calls out and I whip my head around.


He doesn't follow it with anything, but takes steps towards me, and I can tell from just one look at him that his heart is going against whatever his mind's thinking. Lucas is going to kiss me. I feel it.

And then, just like that, he does.

His lips find mine and it's...magic. It's everything that I thought kissing Lucas Bennett would be like, but better. It's like our lips were meant for each other. It's like our souls were, too. And it happens so quickly that I can't stop it even if I wanted to.

But I have to stop it.

I must.

And so...I do.

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