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"Teddy, wait," I call out as I follow him to the backyard where the cocktail reception was. Everything is still set up but no one's out here.

He turns around, his blonde hair moving with the wind, and he looks at me. I almost wish he wouldn't because I hate the expression that I'm seeing on his face.

"We were just dancing," I explain. "That's it."

"Didn't look like just dancing to me," he softly speaks, raking his fingers through his blonde hair. "I don't know why I'm so upset. I don't know why this hurts so much. I know that you want Lucas. I know that we're not together, but that doesn't make seeing the two of you like that any easier."

"Lucas and I aren't together, Teddy."

"You know what I mean, Lily. And you want to be. You want to be with him, just like he wants to be with you. We both know that's why he's been such a dick to you lately. He's trying to push you away so that he doesn't hurt me, but all that's doing is hurting you and I don't want that, either."

"I don't want you to hate me for loving Lucas."

"I could never hate you. And I don't want you to not follow your heart because of me, Lily."

I chew on my lower lip, feeling hopeless with the choices that remain. "So what do we do?"

"Be with Lucas," he tells me. "It'll be hard, but I'll get over it. I've already accepted it, and that's usually the toughest part."


"I love my brother, Lily. I want him to be happy more than I want anything else in this world. And with you, that's what he is. Happy."

"And what about you? Your happiness matters to me, too."

"I'll be happy if he is. I'll be happy if you are." He glides towards me but I look down at the grass. "Go to him, Lily," he says, looking at me with seriousness. "Go."


I didn't do it. I didn't go to Lucas. After Teddy and I spoke outside, I avoided Lucas for the rest of the night. Luckily, there was only an hour left before people started trickling out. I asked Bridget if she needed me to stay to help clean up after everyone left, but she urged me to go home with my mom. She said that she hired a team of people to clean up the next day. I didn't argue with her because I wanted to leave.

The week goes by, and it's 7 days of not visiting the Bennett residence and not speaking to Lucas. Bridget and I did catch up over lunch and Teddy did call me to check in, and while I'm grateful for both, there was still a void inside of me that only one person is able to fill.

It's the last weekend in August, which means we have one more weekend before school starts. It's also Teddy's birthday today. He decided not to throw a party and is instead celebrating with a few close friends over a nice dinner. He invited me but also warned me that Lucas would be there. I asked him if I could take him out, just the two of us during the week instead. He understood completely and we ended up going to this amazing sushi spot right outside of Newport.

We shared one of those fish boats and Teddy made me try sashimi for the first time. I didn't mind it but I also won't be ordering it on the regular. I was tempted to bring up Lucas to Teddy, to ask how he was doing, but the night was about Teddy and I didn't want to take away from that. We laughed, we talked, we laughed some more and it was just the kind of night that we both needed. Teddy did try to pay for his own birthday dinner but I had successfully given the waitress my credit card before we sat down.

It's moments like these where I feel so grateful for the people in my life. I didn't know what to expect coming to Newport, but that's the whole point of starting a new chapter. You're not supposed to know or expect what's to come. You're supposed to just let it happen the way that it's meant to. 

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