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What was I thinking when I agreed to go to this party with Raegan? Oh right, I wasn't. I'm contemplating ripping the flask that's currently in Raegan's hand and chugging whatever the hell is in there. Knowing her, it's probably Tito's.

Raegan picked me up in a taxi, and I'm not thinking straight. My mind is still reeling over my dad, and now my breakup with Teddy.

Ugh, I can't think about either of these things anymore. Tito's it is.

"Can I have that?" I ask, tearing the flask out of Raegan's grip. And then I start guzzling.

"You alright over there?" Raegan asks, looking on worriedly as I wince when the potent taste of vodka hits the back of my throat.

I'm not much of a drinker, so this is definitely startling. I'm too busy downing the alcohol, so I just give her a thumbs-up and keep going.

"Lily, that's not water," she continues, and then I finally bring the flask down, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Ah," I say, handing it back to her, "I know. Just needed a sip."

"That wasn't a sip, that was a gulp. A pretty big one, too."

"I'm just trying to have fun tonight," I tell her.

"You can have fun without getting shitfaced.

"Relax, Raegan, I'm fine. I'm not drinking for the rest of the night."


Well, that was a lie. Because the second that I stepped foot inside the party, I made my way to the bar cart. Raegan ended up getting pulled by some girl that she went to camp with, leaving me to fend for myself.

I'm currently sitting on a pool lounge chair alone, drinking this nasty tequila soda that I concocted.

"Hey there," some guy with short dark brown hair calls out as he strides my way. He looks familiar, but I'm having a hard time placing him. Where have I seen this guy before?

"Uh, hey," I say as he gets closer.

"May I?" he asks, gesturing to the lounge chair.

"Sure," I skeptically say, watching him take the side on my left. He gazes at me with a smile on his face.

"Julian Lyons," he introduces himself, and I just tip my head in acknowledgement.

And then it hits me. His last name. This is the guy that Lucas got into a fight with at the lacrosse scrimmage.

"And you are?" he asks when I don't immediately give him my name.

"Lily," I answer.

"That's a really beautiful name," he tells me and I just smirk. He glances around the area as his palms rest on his thighs and then asks, "Having fun?"

"Uh...yeah. I don't really know anyone here, but maybe that's not such a bad thing."

"Not a bad thing at all." His eyes roam me over and I don't know how I feel about it, mostly because I'm tipsy. Maybe even more than that. "You know? I saw you walk in and just knew that I had to talk to you. You're very beautiful."

"Thanks," I say, half meaning it, half not. This guy looks like a player, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's just spewing bullshit to try and get with me.

"Word around town is that you're new here."

"I am," I nod.

"Liking it so far?"

"The town...or you?"

He smiles, dipping his head down and then picking it back up. "Both."

"The town, yes. And I don't know you. Wouldn't want to judge a book by its cover."

"Judge away," he tells me. "What you see is what you get with me."

It's clear that this guy lacks zero in the ego department. If I didn't need to sit so badly I probably would've walked away sooner. Something about him unsettles me.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asks me.

"No," I tell him.

"Good. Because I'm trying real hard to impress you right now." I don't say anything and his gaze flickers over me. "Lily, tell me this. Would it be wrong if I kissed you?"

"You don't even know me," I remind him.

"Yeah, but a kiss can change that," he says as he inches closer to me. I'm not thinking straight – thanks to the alcohol in my system – so I let him get even closer. And that's when I hear:


I immediately stop what I'm doing and straighten my back, turning my stance towards the sound.

And then I see him.

"Lucas?" I say.

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