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Rebel's POV

When we arrived to the destination parking lot we had to grab our bags and hike the rest of the way.... Which apparently Cash forgot to tell his show thing.

He wouldn't stop complaining as Cash helped get his bag around his bad arm, "and you wouldn't tell me, why?"

"I forgot."

"How the fuck do you forget a couple mile long walk through rough ass terrain. Got dementia or some shit?"

"Maybe I was too busy at looking at this hot ass guy that I know."

He clicked his tongue and looked away from Cash... with a blush? Impossible he wouldn't be flustered from a bad pick up line like that from Cash. He obviously doesn't care about him. Everything he's done pointed towards the fact that their worlds both revolve around him now.

We continued our hike Cash and Royal about a yard behind us.

I know Cash is... or was... just as toxic as Royal, but he's my friend. I know he could be really kind when he wanted to. I don't know anything about Royal except you was an asshole with a terrible family.

"You guys gonna walk behind this entire time!" Marcus called back.

Honestly, I thought that Marcus would agree with me and want nothing to do with Royal, but he and Cash are basically brothers so I shouldn't have expected that. Plus, he wouldn't stop rambling about the other Hawkson.

We stopped at a small flat area to eat and Royal collapsed to ground as Cash crashed on top of him, "ugh you guys make me feel, so single," Marcus walked up to them sitting next to them.

Cherry, Blake, and I stayed out of normal talking range earshot, "at least he hasn't been too annoying yet," Blake broke the silence.

"He hasn't gotten far enough from Cash to be."



"Do you maybe think you're being too harsh on him?" Cherry almost whispered.

"Especially with all he's going through?" Blake added.

"Don't tell me you two are switching sides," they both stayed silent. "GUYS! Seriously? I thought we wouldn't break for pretty boys charm."

"This isn't about Royal, Rebel."

"Yeah, it's about Cash. He's always been there for us," she pointed to where Cash had an arm around Royal laughing at his weak attempt to kick Marcus, "when Blake transitioned or when you told us you were non-binary he was there supporting us and defending us."

"When Cherry told everyone she was a lesbian and a lot of the guys were making it a kink thing Cash basically beat their asses."

"When you were going through your family issues Cash offered you to stay with him."

"When we were shunned by the popular kids Cash came and sat down right next to us."

"He's always been there. We need to let him be happy too."

"Yeah, but, Royal was the one hanging around the people who bullied us. Royal was the one who spread rumors like a wildfire and got people shunned. Royal was the one who said anything not minding what effect it had on others."

"Look," Blake stood up starting to pack up leftovers and utensils, "I see it in one of two ways, I'm sure Cherry agrees, if we don't accept Royal we're either going to lose Cash or he's going to lose himself."

"We'll follow your lead since Royal's probably hurt you the most. I just hope you make the right decision."

I looked over to the other half of our group who was also packing up. Royal was staring at Cash who wasn't paying attention to him as he was having a conversation with Marcus. I really hope all those people who say eyes can't lie are right.

The rest of the walk to the campsite I stayed behind the, seemingly, happy couple. Watching one of them in particular.

Royal and Cash had brushed against each other and/or had their arms around each other this whole trip and as much as I wanted to hate it it was actually pretty cute.

"Ok, so tent separations are Cherry and me, Blake and Marcus, and Cash and Royal. Any complaints?"

No one said anything negatively so we all went to get to putting our tents up. Every once in a while there was a cry of frustration from someone dropping something on their foot or struggling with a tent area just to accidentally let go, or Royal crying out in pain from hitting his cast again, but other than that it was pretty silent past the instructions of how to put the tents up. There were a few arguments between Marcus and Royal, about some petty shit no one cares about, or Cash and Royal, about the fact that Cash could put up the tent and Royal should stop before he really damages his break and makes the healing process longer, but those arguments stop when Blake and Marcus finish the two boys helping Cash and getting Royal too walk off.

When Cherry and I finished I wandered off and mysteriously found myself by the small creek with who I had deemed my mortal enemy. We didn't look at each other.

"Do you really love him?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you I did."

"It's a yes or no question."

"Yeah, I love him."

"I don't like you."

"The feeling is mutual."

"I don't like you, but I'm going to put my feelings aside for Cash," he glanced over to me not saying a thing, "because despite how much of an idiot I think he his for falling for your manipulative charm he's my best friend and I want him to be happy," I turned to him which made him turn to me, "but if you hurt him I swear I will break every bone in your body, cut off your dick and feed it to you."

He opened his mouth closed it again smirking, probably thinking of something dirty but deciding not to say it, and opened it again, "got it."

Without another word I turned and walked back to my friends leaving him behind me to stew in his own thoughts.

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