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Royal's POV
⚠️Mentions of Self-Harm⚠️

Cash and I were both sitting with our heads down at his family's kitchen table. Natasha and Jason were staring at us like we killed someone. I was hiding my wrists between my legs as to hide the scars that were visible now that my bracelets were... somewhere and my shirt is destroyed.

"Well? Either or you going to explain what we walked in on?" Jason was the one speaking, however, I was more afraid of Natasha currently. She hadn't said anything yet about anything.

When Cash and I walked into the kitchen she left for a quick second to grab the scotch from the coffee table.

"Royal and I... were... um... talking and then it escalated into something else. Then we fell asleep."

"You got to be a little more clear than that," she finally spoke.


"I came over, already drunk, to talk with Cash, also already drunk, about Jo and then we talked about repairing our relationship and what it was going to be. Then I got a text from a bitch I know that was trying to blackmail me to help her date Cash. We talked about her and bonded then we kissed. The kissing led to multiple rounds of unprotected sex and then we passed out. Everything since then you know. Do you want more details Mr. and Mrs. Hugh?" I snapped. I was scared and I was doing everything possible to hide my weakness.

"Royal, Honey, we aren't mad at either of you. We just want to talk about it."

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Maybe we can call your parents and..."

"NO!" I turned even paler than before and started shaking I was holding back tears at this point, "do whatever you want, please, but don't tell my parents. I'll buy you guys a new couch," I grabbed her hands forgetting all about my exposed wrists, "I'll never come over again. I'll... I'll never talk to your son again, but please don't tell my parents. They'll kill me," I whispered the last part making it go unnoticed.

"Honey?" I only noticed they were all staring at me with pure confusion and sadness, "we won't tell your parents if you don't want us to. We would never make you come out like that. The couch will be fine you, but no more sex in family rooms. And we don't want you to cut our son out... that is if you two want to stay together."

"I..." I looked at Cash who was staring at me with want, "I guess we could try at a relationship. As long as it doesn't reach my parents ears."

Cash had one of the biggest smiles on his face after I said those few simple words. Is it possible for someone to care about me that much? With the conversation between Cash, Natasha, and me I didn't pay any attention to what Jason had started to look at a while ago.

"Royal, tell me those scars on your wrists aren't what I think they are?"

"It's nothing," I tried to pull my wrists away from Natasha who was now also looking.

"Do you... cut yourself? Did you do that to your chest to?" Cash looked at me really, really sadly and betrayed like I had cut him instead.

Everyone looked at me expectantly, "I never layer a knife to my chest."

"And the rest of it?" Natasha spoke up. For some reason I trusted my new boyfriend and ex-enemy's family way more than I ever trusted anyone, so, I decided to explain.

"Sometimes... when I have a mental breakdown... the only.... The only way for me to get back to normal is to cause myself pain in some way. It used to be a knife before I found an alternative way," suddenly three sets of eyes were scanning my body along with all the tattoos that covered it, "you don't need to feel pity for me," I smiled trying to cover my momentary weakness, "I have shitty things that happen to me every once and a while. Everyone does."

"You don't have to be strong in front of me in front of us, Royal, we can be your family," I almost stopped breathing at his words, but instead I looked at the one member of the Hugh family that I thought would always just see me as the Hawkson's son.

Despite what he just said I didn't want them to see me cry so I looked down, "I haven't always dealt with problems in the best way.... I have a lot of sisters and shitty parents. Someone needs to protect them. I'll be there no matter what," with that I took my hands back and tried to change conversation, "so, ummm... I'll just buy you a new couch. Or I'll hire someone to clean your couch. I'll also get you some new scotch."

"The sex couch will be fine and you don't have to buy..."

"We'll take the bottle of scotch," Jason interrupted her and I laughed at the look they shared.

"But since we're talking about sex I think we need to have the talk."

"No! Mom! Don't do this," Cash pulled me close and buried his head in the back of my neck.

"Well you two boys had unprotected sex. We need to have this conversation."

"Not like I can get pregnant," I've never been ashamed of sex or my body. I've been through shit and people have made me feel worthless, but no one ever denies I'm attractive.

"But there are still... diseases that can be easily passed..."

"And you know y'all cum is all over."

"Most of Cash's is inside of me..." he hit me in the dip on my back, "speaking of which I need a shower," I stood up and walked to the door. My dad's car was in the driveway, "what the fuck is he doing here," I walked back into the kitchen.

"Yes?" Cash turned to look at me.

"My parents, or at least my dad, are home for some reason and he definitely cannot see me like this."

"Just say you hooked up with some chick," I looked at him.

"I have a limp, I'm half naked, covered with dried cum and hickeys. If he sees me walk out of your house he'll piece it together. He's a doctor and he owns a multi-billion dollar medical franchise he's not an idiot. Now if excuse me I need to take a shower."

I headed up to Cash's room which I knew had a bathroom from last time I was here. After finding a towel I got under the steaming water and felt a body press against mine.

"Hey baby," he whispered in my ear and started to kiss my neck again.

"We're supposed be be taking a shower not going for another round."

"I'm not going to fuck you. Just kiss."

"Then kiss me on my lips, asshole," as soon as I turned around his lips met mine.

This was a dangerous game I was playing, but I didn't want it to end.

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