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Royal's POV
⚠️Mentions of Abuse⚠️

Cash and I had both woken up earlier than we had before and gotten ready for school. Now we were just lounging on Jeremy's couch while he was at work and his girlfriend slept in. Not that she had anything else to do being unemployed.

"Marcus is on his way with our bags along with a change of clothes for each of us."

"Eh, what clothes?"

"Well, he's got mine for my house and he got yours when he... picked up.. your little sister."

I rolled my eyes, "of course he did."

30 minutes later we were changed and sitting in the backseat of Marcus's truck in front of the school. He and Nat had gone inside, but we decided to stay out of a little longer kinda preparing ourselves for what's to come.

"You going to be ok?" I felt Cash's hand rub my back.

"I'll be fine... it's just.... This is all new for me and we weren't even allowed to do it on our own terms."

"I know, baby, but we can do this. Not like we have a choice now," we both chuckled before taking a deep breath and getting out of the car.

We made sure to lock it before walking up to the school's entrance and pausing before going inside. As Cash pushed the door open I panicked and pulled my arm out of his while shoving my other hand in my pocket as my cast hung between us. He paused again looking at me with a gaze I wouldn't meet before he finished opening the door.

When we walked in a scene straight out of a movie popped out at us. Every single pair of eyes within viewing distance was looking at us. We started making our way through the hall meeting up with Jasper and Tristan halfway through.

"How's you're wrist?"

"Fine, I guess, not as sore as it has been since I broke it."

"Are you going to be okay today?"

"Yeah, so," I lowered my voice, "did you two do the dirty?"

They both turned red and started spluttering coming up with explanations even as the bell rang and we made our way to class.

At this moment I couldn't tell whether or not Cash and I having Home Ec together was a good idea, but whatever happens is going to happen either way so at least we'll be together.

As we entered class and took our seats I quietly celebrated since it was a day to just work on our projects. Not that we needed it since we know everything there is to know about each other.

As the bell rang we continued our conversation until a girl. I think she was a freshman. Walked up to us.

"Are you two, like, actually dating?"

"Yes, we are," Cash answered quickly... almost too quickly. That is probably the reason the girl looked at me to verify what he said. Please, before we dated he hated me as much as I hated him, so why would he be lying about this now.

I looked at Cash before looking back at her, "you heard the man. He's my boyfriend now scram."

She kinda looked stars strucked before walking away as the bell rang. I looked back at Cash who just gave me the 'seriously' look like he didn't expect me to respond like that.

"I may like you more now doesn't mean I like everyone more."

"So, class, as you know today is a day to work on your connections projects, but time is running out, so I hope you've already made good progress. I'll let you guys get to work now except Mr. Hawkson the principal would like to see you."

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