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Royal's POV

I am very confused currently. Ever since Ivy came to talk to us Jo has been kinda cold to me. Then the rest of practice was a bitch since Marcus was still obviously targeting me. And now I was sitting in the middle of the field with Cash across from me and Jo between us. By the way they were yelling at us to talk it's a miracle that they let us get out of our gear.

"Now talk."

"We aren't doing this after a shower, at one of our houses cause..."

"One, if I was going to let you two talk after a shower I wouldn't of came to this boring practice. The sweaty and dirtiness is motivation. Two, the football field is a middle ground instead of one of you being at an advantage in your own homes," they made a point.

I finally turned towards Cash who has been staring at me this entire time. I didn't want to talk to him so I looked back at Jo, "why have you been acting weird since Ivy?"

"What? I haven't."

"Jo, I'm not fucking blind or an idiot."

"Talk. You can interrogate me later."

"Whatever. What are we talking about. You kinda have to lead it since I'm left out of what the fuck is happening."

"Can you stop cursing in front of my cousin? And I don't know why we're here either I originally thought you wanted to apologize."

"One, your cousin's mouth is just as foul as mine. Two, why would I apologize to you. I'm not the one who nearly knocked your teeth out."

"You're right. I'm sorry for punching you."

"Thank you. Can we go now?"

Jo just looked at us exasperated, "no, you can't."

I looked at Hugh for a long while none of us saying anything. I examined him from top to bottom comparing us for some reason. My hair was a natural wavy and messy look that fell around my face with my bangs undone falling around my hair. I usually straightened and gelled it to the point that it looks like any basic, blonde, white boys hair instead of someone who had traits from Spain. Cash didn't his hair was naturally straight, but he didn't bother to style it and he's had the same cut for years. Except it looked really good on him. Next was his eyes which were a gorgeous and dark brown compared to my bright blue ones and it just fit him. If you looked close enough he also had faint freckles littering part of his face. Cash was tall and had a lot more visible muscles compared to my toned, short ass body. He also...

"Did you even here me?" To be honest I wasn't listening to anything that he was saying.


He looked at Jo, eyes obviously asking her why she hung out with me, "I said that I apologize for calling you a whore after... you know. The word you used is just a word that had no venom behind it. I shouldn't of started that argument at all."

"Thanks, I guess I'm sorry too. I shouldn't of mocked you after you told me not to say fa... the word. Instead taking you serious."

"Maybe we can talk more... in private," he eyed his cousin, "later about what we should do about this stupid feud of ours. I... my family believes that this stupid fight between our families shouldn't spread anymore..."

"O... k," he obviously wanted to say something else, but couldn't? I watched him stand up and walk to his truck. I don't know why I was feeling, but it wasn't what I used to feel anytime I saw him.

Jo got up following him, "wait! I'm riding with you!"

Why the hell was she mad at me?

Later Hugh household - 12 PM

I had chugged a couple glasses of beer when I saw Natasha, Jason, and Jo leave to bring her back to her home. Sadly, she didn't even come to say bye to me. After everything it kinda hurt and I still didn't know what I did. Not that I would ever admit that to anyone.

So with liquid courage I walked up to the door and knocked, after they left. Cash came and answered before silently letting me enter.

"Is anyone else here?"

"No, but you already know that. That's why you decided to come," true, I knew that both of the younger Hugh siblings were at friends and the other three left.

He lead me to his couch where we sat in silence for a while.

"Do you know why Jo is mad at me?"


"Will you tell me?"

"Why should I?"

"I'm sorry if I hurt them, but I can't make it right if I don't know what I did."

"Their pissed because of how you are with Ivy," what, "like everyone always is. Ivy was obviously being a bitch to her and I couldn't even hear the conversation. Your obliviousness is ridiculous. That's all I'm saying figure the rest out yourself."

"Ok.. thanks," I moved to get up, but Cash quickly grabbed my wrist.

"Are we not going to talk about our... situation... a little more than what happened earlier," he poured two glasses of whiskey and handed me one.

I didn't really like whiskey so I quickly drank it adding to the alcohol I had earlier, "I guess we could," we stared at each other for a while. I wonder if Jo told him what they told me.

"I know," he started, "that we haven't had the best relationship and that it's going to be a rocky road, but maybe we could slowly try to become friends... for you know... Jo and the rest."

"Yeah, I guess. What about our school appearances. If everyone thinks we're suddenly on good terms they're going to get suspicious."

"We don't have to act like we are suddenly in love with each other or anything. Just, maybe, not fight and just blame it on Coach and Mrs. Black rules."


"Are you going to add anything other than, yeah, to this conversation?"

"Umm," my phone dinged and I looked down at it.

Sasha 😒
~ Have you talked to Cash yet?
~ I'm planning on starting to help tomorrow ☺️


"What's wrong?" I looked at his cute, curious expression and felt even more dread. I didn't want to help her date Cash anymore. Jo was right... I like like Cash Hugh of all people. 'Fuck'.

"Do you know Sasha Leonard?"

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