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Cash's POV
⚠️Gay Slur⚠️

"Royal Hawkson, dude. Seriously?" We were in gym kinda just standing around for an easy day.

"There's more to him than meets the eye, Blake, he's a good person once you get to know him."

"I'm sure he is."

Cherry whispered something along the line of 'wouldn't you know' before I turned back and faced them.

"Look, guys, all I'm asking is for you to act civil this weekend. He only agreed to go because he's known me long enough to figure that if he doesn't go I won't go. Don't miss the that he's NEVER been camping before."

"Fine, but remember Royal's not stupid. He knows how to act civil around you and change personalities in seconds," little did they know that that's a learned survival technique.

"Trust me Royal acts himself around me and sure it annoys me most of the time, but I also know he's trying to improve in certain aspects."

"Look at him," Rebel has been the most upset about my relationship for some reason, "he's quite literally bullying that girl with Tristan and Jasper. You think that's okay?"

I looked towards the trio and watched them mentally demolish a girls haircut and outfit from across the room.

"No, but I understand he doesn't see that as bullying. In their eyes they're just giving out opinions for her to turn into advice and that's completely fine to them. I'm slowly trying to help them without changing their entire personality. Look now," Royal had lead the girl to a bench and was trying to fix her hair, "he's a good person. You just need to look a little closer to see it."

"Whatever," Rebel scoffed and tried to walk away before I grabbed their arm.

"Rebel, please, just try to get along, he is. You're my best friend and I love you as my best friend, but he's my lover and I love him as one. He wants to be around you as much as you want to be around him, but I won't let you guys degrade him like you are," I sighed and looked at each one of them, "if you want to talk shit about him might as well talk shit about me too because I was stupid enough to fall for his charm, right?"

With that I walked towards Royal who was still talking to the girl who looked more confused than sad now. To think just a couple months ago I would've of never noticed the person he really was.

Royal's eyes caught mine and lit up like it does when he had an idea, "Cash! Babe, so I just came up with the greatest idea."

"Really? What?"

"We'll go shopping."

I was baffled, "what? Why?"

"For your camping trip."

"Oh, why?"

"Because if we don't all the things I'm going to bring would cost more than a house mortgage and I'm not ruining that shit."

"But why do I have to go?"

"Because you're great at picking out clothes that can be rustic and outdoorsy."

"Why do you want to be outdoorsy?" Tristan and Jasper had walked up behind me apparently.

"I'm going camping for the three day weekend. Want to go?"

"We can't, sadly. My parents are taking us to the amusement park in Lichen City over the weekend. I was supposed to invite you, but I guess you've got plans."

"Where are we going?" Nat walked up next to her brother.

"You're not going anywhere with us."

"Uh, no fair. Why not?"

"Cause you'll be in Paris with Jo, dipshit. They're super excited you can't cancel."

"Oh, yeah."

"So who all is going?"

"Cash, me, and the misfit trio over there."

"And Marcus."

"What? Since when was Marcus going?"

"Since always. He's not as close to the others, but the dude is my best friend."

Royal rolled his eyes and mumbled something to Jasper who started to laugh before paying attention to me.

"We'll just go shopping straight after football p since I've contacted all of the houses employees to take care of my things before they leave for the day."

"Dude! You've got maids, and butlers, and shit?" Marcus had made his way over after he heard his name.

"Have we got employees for the house? Yes, but they're rarely there when we're there during the week. They get there when school starts and they leave when it ends, so, they're really just there to take care of the house while we're gone."


Royal just rolled his eyes and moved back to Tristan and Jasper to continue their earlier gossiping.

~Football practice~

Royal was upset because he was stuck on the sidelines next to coach, but with his injury and the fact he was still apart of the team he couldn't really do anything else. I could tell that Coach was talking to him about something that he was trying to avoid and it wasn't helping is attitude.

I was about to walk over to them when Jason, one of my less friendly teammates, walked past slamming his shoulder hard against mine.

"Dude, watch where you're going?"

"Don't tell me what to do faggot."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Or maybe you were too busy staring at my dick to pay attention to the words coming out of my mouth."

"How could I? There's nothing you can stare at." I'm

"Yet I still make all the chicks scream and I bet you want to feel how," at that I rolled my eyes and turned around to walk away, "of course that pretty boyfriend of yours would be a tighter fit," I stopped in my tracks, "I mean if I was gay I would totally bang him. No one his boyfriend's friends wanted to."

I don't know what happened in the next few seconds all I know is that I was on top of someone trying to hit them, while a bunch of other chaotic teenage boys were caught in the middle, some trying to pull me off and some helping to block my target. Eventually he got on top of me and started to hit me before switching again and it went on like that for what felt like forever.

I faintly heard a whistle from somewhere on the side and all guys who were in between me and Jason dissipated. I felt Coach pull me off Jason, while some of his goons pulled him away.

Coach was yelling at both of us about something but my ears were ringing so I couldn't really hear so I just stayed on my back and tried to block everything out.

I felt a nudge on my shoulder and opened my eyes. Royal was squatting down and looking at me with a smirk on face, "and people call me the unfriendly one." I heard a laughter in the background which was probably Marcus before taking Royals hand and standing up.

"Shut up."

And after making sure Jason and his homophobic friends were watching us I leaned down and kissed him.

"Let's go. We've got better things to do than stay here."

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