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Royal's POV

I just looked at Cash when I heard that question. He laughed at the look on my face and kissed me on the cheek. As a rebuttal I just rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out. Nevertheless, I wasn't a cheater so I put my finger down. Thankfully if anyone actually noticed they didn't say anything.

"Never have I ever dated someone who was supposed to be my sworn enemy."

Cash dramatically gasped as we both put a finger down, "Samuel, I can't believe you would do that. Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher."

"That's unfair," Samuel said while laughing as I tried to subtly put another finger down.

"What? Who did you have a crush on," Cash called me out.

"Becker. 8th grade. He was so unfair to you that I fell in love," I dramatically flapped my lashes at him.

"Whatever. Go."

"I'm thinking I've done a lot of things.... Oh! I know," I gave him my cockiness smile, "Never have I ever scored a point for the other team."

He gave me a play glare and pout, but ended up putting down another finger. To my surprise Jason put one down too and Natasha spoke up, "he gets it from his father."

Later that evening

We've played a silly amount of games, since I've arrived and now we were pouring our disgusting smoothies. I had gotten mushrooms, bananas, garlic, pudding, mustard, soy sauce, honey, and strawberries for mine. It was disgusting, but ever since I tried it I couldn't stop laughing. Cash had gotten worried at some point and took a small drink immediately regretting it.

Now we were all sitting in the living room on the new couch, even though they got a new couch they still wouldn't let me pay for even just half. Cash was arguing with his younger siblings picking whatever movie, while I was just leaning against the couch and scrolling my Amazon list buying whatever I felt like.

Suddenly an arm was around my shoulder and a hand was taking away my phone, "we picked the movie."

"Why did you take my phone? Who won?"

"Take a guess we're watching some random Rom-Com."

"I feel like that would be something you would pick," I went from leaning on the couch to leaning into his side.

"Hahaha," he still kissed me so I count it as a win.

My phone rang shortly afterwards and Haley popped up. Cash handed me my phone and pushed pause on the movie, "Hals? You ok."

"No," sobs came from the phone, "no, Royal, dad came home drunk and is screaming at us and mom. I'm scared."

I jumped up and ran to the front door. I started to hop up and down throwing on my shoe, "hold on I'll be right there," I muted the phone for a quick second and looked at Cash who had followed me to the door, "it's my sister I have to go. I'm sorry I'll see you later," I didn't even wait long enough for a kiss before I ran to and into my house.


"What's going on here," I walked in and over to Natalie and my mom who were sheltering Haley. She was sobbing and Natalie was shaking, mom was also shaking, but standing firm.

"You," he pointed at me, "you are the biggest whore of them all. You get all your stupid fucking piercings and tattoos and you act so cool, but you're just hiding how pathetic you really are. Now, get out of my way before you regret it."

"No," he slapped me hard across the face.

"Move, boy! Your sister is a faggot. I saw her kissing that stupid 'girlfriend' of hers," I glanced quickly at Haley and knew exactly what was happening.

"I'm not moving. Haley, Natalie, Mom go next door and pound on the Hugh's door. They'll let you in, but don't say anything about what's happening just say you need to stay there until I get there," I used my body to grab dad as he lunged when the three of them ran out.

"YOU STUPID WHORE!" He punched me in the gut and I fell to my knees.

He had stopped hitting me so in the morning it wouldn't be to obvious, but the berating me didn't stop for hours. When it finally did and he passed out I snuck past him and packed my sisters and moms bag along with one of mine. Luckily my mom had called people to grab the youngest girls before dad had came home.

After I finished packing and put on a couple layers of color correction and makeup to hide my injuries I walked over to Cash's house and knocked on the door.

Cash opened it in record time and pulled me inside before slamming and locking the door, "Are you ok?"


"Royal, don't give me bullshit. You sent your sisters and mom over here and didn't pop up until three hours later. Let me help you ok?" I was silent still, but my wall was starting to crack, "everyone else is asleep or in their rooms. It's just us."

With that I finally started to cry and all he did was take me into his arms and let me cry. My life has been shit for a long time, but I've never been able to truly show what I was feeling.

"Please never break my heart, Cash," I started after I stopped crying, "I can't lose you. I don't know if I'd survive."

He kissed me on the head, then the nose, then my lips, "I'm not going anywhere."

With that he picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. While he carried the bags to where they should go I cleaned off my makeup showing the injuries my dad caused me. He looked at my face and didn't say anything just looked pissed for a second before dragging me to the bed and laying down.

A couple minutes later I was nearly asleep when I heard the faintest whisper, "I'll always protect you.... I love you."

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