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Royal's POV

As I walked I thought about my family. Sure my father probably deserved whatever came to him, but he was a multibillion so who cared. Plus my mother?! We weren't close really, but after she stood up for my sister we've been getting closer and closer. Also my sisters adored her and would be heartbroken if they were separated.

I blinked as I realized I had gotten to class. After taking a deep sigh I opened the door and walked in. Mrs. Black wasn't there for some reason so instead of doing their projects most of my classmates were talking amongst themselves.

What caught my attention was I girl, who I didn't recognize, openly flirting with Cash.

I went over to tap Alexa on the shoulder, "What?" The bitterness in her voice was impossible to miss, but I didn't really give a fuck.

"Who's the chick?"

She looked at me smiled, "jealous?" I just stared at her until she answered, "Molly  O'Sheens."

My uninterested look turned into a shocked one, "of the O'Sheens family."

"Yep," the O'Sheens family owned a multibillionaire tech company. Their wealth could easily compete with my fathers maybe even outdo him. As I started to move towards them she grabbed my arm, "hey, go easy on her. Today's her first day she probably doesn't know."

"I'll go as easy as I would with any other new kid," I smirked at her and walked towards MY boyfriend and Molly O'Sheens.

As I reached the desk both Cash and Molly looked up at me. I "genuinely" smiled at Molly  before leaning down and kissing Cash on the lips, passionately, before sitting down.

"Hi," I placed a sickly amount of sweetness into my voice, "I'm Royal, Cash's boyfriend, Molly, right?"

"Yeah," she was looking me up and down like she knew who I was but couldn't place me. I intended to keep it that way for as long as possible, "I hear your dad owns a company. That's so cool. My dad isn't anything special."

"Yeah, Ocean Technology, we do everything from phones and watches to medical equipment."

I put on my best starstruck eyes and gaped at her, "that's so cool."

Cash leaned towards me and whispered, "what are you doing."

I copied his motions, "having fun," pecking his lips I turned back to Molly. I noticed that Mrs. Black came so kids started to move back to their spots, "so, Molly, I hope we see you around."

"That's good to hear you think that. Molly's joining your group."

"What?" I spun my head towards Cash.

"I was going to tell you, but you were doing whatever that was."

I rolled my eyes as the bell rang before looking towards Molly again, "I guess I'll see you around."

With that I got up, angrily grabbed Cash's hand with mine and walked out of the Classroom.


I was sitting at my usual spot in the cafeteria with Jasper and Tristan looking around for Cash, but he wasn't anywhere.

My eyesight was suddenly cut off with Molly walking directly in front of me, "hi, can Reef and I sit here?"

"Who are you?" Tristan finally dragged himself from nagging me to pay attention to her.

"Molly O'Sheens. Royal and I talked in Mrs. Black's class earlier. Speaking of which," she turned towards me, "where's Cash?"

This girl just won't leave him alone, "somewhere. I'll be back."

I left Molly and the new guy with the lovebirds and went to look for my, admittedly better, half.

"Where's Cash?"

"Why should we tell you," Rebel glared at me.

"Cause like it or not he's my boyfriend, so," I leaned down putting one arm on each side of Cherry, who was admittedly the most easily intimidated, and leaning forward slightly where I was looking at the side of her face before smiling, "where the fuck is he?"

"The teacher asked him to stay behind to talk for a couple minutes."

I stood up, "now was that so hard?" I started to walk away when Blake grabbed my cast lightly but enough for me to feel it.

I turned back towards him, "stay. You're right we should try to get along more." He wasn't letting go so I sat.

"You and Cash, huh?" Why were they all acting so different.

I just grunted at him, but didn't look away.

"No need to be so uptight, Royal, we've known each other for how long now?"

"I know you're brother not you."

"Now, now-"

"Hey!" Cash finally, "sorry I'm late," he kissed me on the corner of my mouth before sitting down between Blake and I, "what are you doing here?"

"I was just asking where you were before I was invited to sit."

"Anyways moving on. Cash you excited for this weekend?"

He looked at me before looking back to Rebel, "I don't think I'm going to go."

"What! Why not?"

"I'm probably just going to chill with Royal this year."

Three sets of glares landed on me, "what's this weekend?"

"It's our annual camping trip for the three day weekend and Cash's birthday."

"That sounds... interesting... why don't you want to go?"

"Because what's going on with your family and you just broke your arm and our relationship is so new-"

"Uh, fuck no, those are not excuses. You're going and I'll come too."

"You want to go camping?"

"Yes. This is obviously important to you and knowing you you won't do it unless I go. Plus it's your birthday and I'm not missing the first one as a couple. So let's go chill in the dirt with little to no showers and plug ins. Sounds wonderful."

"You sounded so unexcited. I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, love you too," I stood up and rubbed his shoulder, "now I gotta go mess with the O'Sheens kids," with that I went back to my table not failing to hear the complaints
Cash's friends were making.

I fucking hope I didn't make a stupid decision.

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