Professor Snape had task a Death Eater to teach muggle studies. One of my favorite subject. It was rubbish, making a blood supremacists teach muggle studies.

Alecto Carrow had always made my blood boil. If not paying attention to class, I would be sleeping on my previous years, but my temper seemed to have risen because of that person.

She'd point a dagger at me and I would remain unfazed, Neville was more nervous than I am. Then, Draco—Malfoy would appear by the door, demanding Carrow to put her weapon down before he tell the headmaster what she was doing.

Once, when we were studying about muggle, as per the subject, muggle studies. Carrow said something about my family, Weasleys.

"Weasleys, on the other hand," her eyes landed at me, "still believes that muggles are equal as wizards are." She let out a scoff, an awfully annoying scoff. She walked towards me and Neville, her eyes never left mine and mine never left hers. The sound of her dagger scratching along the desk is loud "Wouldn't be surprised, their father does work minimum wage at the ministry as a head of one department dedicated to muggle. Pathetic, I must say"

I slammed the desk loudly, pulling her collar closer to me when she was of reach "do not speak of my father that way,"

"Or what?" A grin formed on the corner of her lip.

"I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my days in Azkaban if it means having your blood on my hand"

She let out an offending laugh before pointing her dagger on my neck, nicking the skin a bit, I was bleeding. But I didn't care.

"Stop at once," a voice from behind said, I needn't to turn around to know it was Malfoy. Carrow switched glances between me and Malfoy before harshly pushing me away.

"Class dismissed," Carrow shouted, throwing the same dagger she nicked me with towards the dart board on her right without looking at where it was heading. It was a bullseye.

I gathered my stuff and waited for Neville, he got out the door first. Malfoy still stood there. When Neville passed him, he moved slightly to stop me from my tracks. "She wouldn't mind killing you, you know." Malfoy said.

"I wouldn't mind as well" I answered, not looking at him, I felt him look at me. "Unless you would. I can say you would like to do the honor and kill me yourself"

He leaned closer to my ears and whispered "if I were to kill you, it would be somewhere more secluded." His back straightened once again. "So, watch your back, Weasley."

He walked pass me, bumping into me in the process. "I look forward to the day, Malfoy." I said, then left the room.

I lay on the small couch in the Gryffindor common room, we were still waiting for Harry's return, although uncertain. I mostly wanted to see Ron, I wanted to ensure he was alive, I wanted to hug him as I possibly could. He's a jerk, but he's still my brother.

I've lots of people with uncertainty if they were alive, I have no news of Cho's whereabouts since we were prohibited to sent letters to anyone outside school premises, I haven't found a single thing about Nova yet.

And the voice.

It hadn't visited me the past few weeks, I wanted it to. I wanted it to show me anything, any clue of where Nova could possibly be.

I had allegations of Nova's whereabouts. The Malfoy Manor. I mean, where else? That's where the uncle whom hated her lives. And that Manor was way to big to be just a mere house of three people. I doubt it.

All I need was to form a plan to enter it.

Could Dobby help me, I wondered. He said he owed Harry a lot for freeing him, and us, as Harry's friend, were also his. I didn't know how to summon him so I wanted to make another plan.

"Sneaking in the headmaster's office to use the pensieve to watch Dumbledore's memory?!" Neville shouted, jolting up from his seat. "Are you mental, Vin!?"

Ginny pulled him back down clasp her hands over his mouth "keep you voice down," Ginny said "and yes, my sister is mental. But we've no other choice."

"Why would Dumbledore know about Nova?" Dean ask. I turned to him.

"Is it not obvious?" I started "he raised Harry like a pig for slaughter, what might be the possibility that he would do that to any of us as well, and nova came from the noble house of black." I took a deep breath before continuing "Voldemort may want something from her—"

"Do not mention his name—"

"I'm not afraid, Ginny," My eyebrows furrowed and I can feel doses of anxiety rose up my chest "what I'm afraid of is whether the people we care for the most might die and we wouldn't have the chance to say goodbye." I can feel tears blurring out my vision, I sniffed, then wiped it away.
"I am not forcing any of you to help, I can do this very well on my own. I just really want to see Nova"

Ginny reached for my leg and rubbed her thumb comfortingly. "What's the plan?"

"We— no, I will head to Malfoy Manor."

All of them turned their head to me simultaneously. Eyes widen, jaw almost hitting the ground.




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