I put on a fake smile as I look at her. "Right after we eat,"

Hermione nodded, we ate.

After a few awkward minutes of eating, I was finally finish, way before the rest of them. I head outside for some fresh air and I felt someone follow me.

"Vin—" it was Hermione.

"I know what you want to talk about, mione" I said as I turn to face her "and I do not have the answer you're seeking"

Hermione bit her lower lip and nodded in return.

"Although—" I said, Hermione looked at me with her eyebrows up. "I have something I want your help with" I finally said before reaching for something in my pockets. A piece of parchment. It was the letter my real father had written.

Hermione is, after all, the greatest witch of her age. I thought she could help me with it. It's a gamble I'm doing. I was fanning fire. There had always been an unpredictable side to Hermione. It's either she'd help me or expose me. Ginny had forgotten that she had shown me the box Dad kept because of my impulsive use of the memory charm.

"What is it?" She ask. I sighed and ask her to come closer. She looked almost skeptical, as if I was a random witch offering artefact on the corner of knockturn Alley.

"Please, don't speak of this to anyone." I said, "I mean anyone."

"What do you mean? Why? What is it?"

"I need your word Hermione"

She sighed then nodded.

I handed her the parchment and she started reading. Her mouth gasp widely as she clasp her hand over it and looked at me.

"Grindelwald?" I hushed her, begging to keep her voice down. She apologized. "Mr. Weasely had been keeping this, you say. So, he knows all along?"

I nod "yes, that's why I wanted to ask for your help. I doubt I could ask Ron, nor Harry. The twins are busy since they had just entered the order, and I didn't want to put Ginny into any more danger"

"Is there anything else this parchment came with?" She ask. I nodded.

When I used the book portkey to teleport to Hogwarts, I carried the box with me and found a key inside of it. It was the same familir key dad showed me and said would've unlocked something at Gringotts. Back then, Dad said we couldn't try even if we had a key because I don't have my real name to present when he knew of it all along. I wondered, had Dad tried to enter the vault it unlocks.

"Here," I reached again for my pocket and handed Hermione the key "I suppose it unlocks something at Gringotts."

"Have you tried?" Hermione ask as she surveyed the key.

"No, not yet." I sighed, again "I was considering to try it all summer but mum wouldn't let an eye off of any of us"

Hermione looked at me as she hand back the key "I'll tell you what I can figure out," she turned but before she could enter the house, her head looked backed at me "you have my word, I promise I won't tell a soul about it" then smiled.

I smiled back at her "thank you"

She turned around and before getting far from me, I stopped her by calling her name. She looked around and ask with her eyebrows.

"Do you know things about seers?" I ask.

She nodded, "yeah, Professor Trelawney is one," she said, tucking a bit of her hair behind her ear "why do you ask?"

I shook my head "nothing, I just saw it while I was reading."

She nodded and left.

I paced from one side to another, biting my lip hard enough i could taste blood, digging my nail on my skin with too much force that I felt it piercing through my flesh.

"I'm sorry, mum" I whispered, then headed inside.

I do not wish to worry her, that's the least I want. But things wouldn't be found out if I don't do any effort to do.

I set up a plan in my head.

Escape as soon as I can when we go back to Hogwarts. Go to Gringotts to check the vault. And find nova.

Although it's not a plan, it's a goal. I still plan to do it nevertheless.

I took a quick shower and lay on my bed, inhaling deeply before closing my eyes and drift to sleep.



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