EP 488

147 10 3

Akbar (to his Hand) - It's good that you haven't forgotten your owner. 

(Akbar held out his half cut arm, The Hand got itself attached to Akbar's arm.)

Yasmine - You are the owner of his Hand?

(Akbar looked at Alasmine and Ginu. He was overjoyed.)

Akbar - Ya Allah! It is said that God definitely does justice sooner or later. Today, I have witnessed it also.

(Akbar kneeled in front of Alasmine and Ginu.)

Whenever someone smiles in this world, the reason is always you three.

(The trio looked at each other in confusion. Akbar turned to Yasmine and bowed his head.)

Akbar (to Yasmine) - Your country and your people are in a grave danger. Baghdad needs you, Sultana.

(Yasmine was suddenly upset when Akbar said that Baghdad and it's people were in danger, but she was feeling pride, joy and responsible when he called her Sultana.)

(Yasmine had a blurry flashback.)

[Flashback :-

Crowd - Long Live Sultana!

Flashhback ends.]

(A tear escaped Yasmine's eye. She quickly wiped it.)

Aladdin - Yasmine, are you okay?

Yasmine - Yes.

(To Akbar)

Sire, please stand up.

(Akbar stood up.)

What is your name?

Akbar - My name is Akbar, Sultana.

Yasmine - Sire Akbar, maybe you're mistaken, I am not a Sultana. I am a black thief. 

Akbar - Then why were you in tears when I told you that Baghdad is in danger? Because your soul feels it. Your pure soul knows that you are a Sultana. Sultana, please save your people from that devil.

Yasmine - Sire Akbar, who is this devil you're talking about?

Akbar - The devil who cut off my hand. The devil who is the reason of every single tear in the eyes of every single citizen of Baghdad. The devil who separated a Sultana from her people, the devil who separated a son from his mother, the devil who separated two brothers, the devil who separated a daughter from her father. The devil, because of whom, an angel was forced to push two lovers in the fire of hell.

(Alasmine and Ginu were by now in tears. Koyal was standing a little away from them, unable to understand what was going on.)

All of this happened 18 years ago, Baghdad was changed overnight. That devil separated happiness from Baghdad and filled Baghdad with only oppression and horror. But look at God's miracle. You have returned. The happiness will also return. People will get back their Sultana, the son will get back his mother, the two brothers will recognize each other, the daughter will know who her father was, and the lovers...well...they have already united.

And Sultana, this is will help you in recognizing yourself.

(Akbar presented Yasmine with a sword...her sword. He again kneeled in front of Yasmine. She stepped forward and accepted it. Yasmine held the sword. She felt a sense of belongingness. Yasmine started to swish the sword in air. She felt like she had used this sword before.)

Yasmine - Whose sword is this?

Akbar - It's yours, Sultana.

(Akbar stood up. The window opened and a strong wind started to blow inside.)

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