EP 460

223 6 0


(Aladdin was playing on his contraption {funtru}, while lying on the sofa. His 3 friends were eating.)

Aladdin (to himself) - Sahi khel gaye (Well Played) This contraption (funtru) 10 is faster than contraption (funtru) 9. Now, even I will be fast. I will leave that black thief behind.......... No, I do not have to leave her behind. I have to catch her. Hold her tightly!  

(He started remembering her moments with Yasmine the night before and blushed.)

Not tightly.............. I will just hold her lightly.

Friend 2 - Prince, why are you talking to yourself?

Friend 3 - Come here, and eat Sheer Korma.

Aladdin (while smiling widely) - Sheer Korma!


(Rukhsaar came with a wooden cane in her hand. All students were lined up in a hall. She pointed her cane to a students' shoes. He quickly removed them and went to keep it outside the hall and came back quickly.)

Student - F...Forgive me!

(She walked in front of all students. Gulbadan, who was standing in the corner till now, approached her.)

Gulbadan - Greetings, Headmistress! WOW....WOW! You look so good! So beautiful! Headmistress, from today morning, I was very upset............. but then after seeing you, I started feeling good.

(She looked at him angrily. He adjusted his clothes.)

Gulbadan - Now, is this good?

Rukhsaar (strictly) - Better.

(She went and stood near the podium.)

Gulbadan (to himself) - I have seen mountains and rocks, but I have never seen a stone hearted person like her!

(Rukhsaar started addressing the students from the podium.)

Rukhsaar - This is no ordinary boarding school. You can get everything here.............. except forgiveness.

(All students lowered their heads.)

This school runs on 3 rules. Knowledge, manners and experience. 

(She started taking rounds in the hall.)

Even if a stone enters this school, then we convert it into a diamond. And, now it is time....... to chose the most brightest diamond, out of all the diamonds of this school.

Like every year, this year also a competition will take place. A competition in which all of you will participate. But 1, only 1 will become, this year's Talim-E-Ilm. The most talented student! And this year, the competition will be even more special..... because this year is also the 18th year of this school.

18 years ago, a famous person, established this school. Baghdad's Sultan!

(She uncovered Zafar's statue which was covered with a purple cloth.)

All the people kept their fists on their chest, extended them, and did the 'zafar salaam'.


Zafar - True friend of the devil, Zafar! Always ready to kill! Tell me quickly, how is he looking?

(3 magical portals of Tooti, Roothi and Joothi appeared.)

Tooti - The King of the Ayyars may even get our evil eye!

Roothi - I am Roothi, but I must tell the truth........... you are looking handsome!

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