EP 487

146 11 2


(The Hand disappeared with Yasmine.)

Aladdin - NO!

(Shifaan, by now, had managed to come inside the Fort.)

Shifaan (to Aladdin) - Where is Yasmine? She was with you, right?

Aladdin (to Shifaan) - The Hand abducted her.

Shifaan (to Aladdin) - What?!

Aladdin (to Shifaan) - Yes.

(Aladdin turned away from Shifaan.)

I need to find Yasmine, Ginu and Koyal.

(Shifaan hit Aladdin with a stick on the back of his head.)

Aladdin - Ahh!

(Aladdin fell on the ground holding his head.)


(Aladdin fainted.)


(The Hand pushed Yasmine in the room where Koyal and Ginu where tied up, locked the door from outside and went away.)

Koyal - Yasmine?

Yasmine - Koyal? Ginu?

(Ginu nodded.)

Koyal - Did the Hand kidnap you as well?

Yasmine (with a sarcastic smile) - No. Actually, I really like getting my hands tied by hands with no bodies.

(The Hand appeared near them. It started moving it's fingers.)

Yasmine (to Ginu and Koyal) - What is that thing doing?

Koyal - It's saying that...

Ginu - adjqrnkdnkenq fwekcenjbvq

Yasmine (to Ginu) - What are you saying?!

Koyal (to Yasmine) - Arey! Ginu is saying that the Hand is saying that it will strangle us!

Yasmine (to Koyal) - What? How did you understand what Ginu was saying?

Koyal (to Yasmine) - You'll also start understanding after some time.

(The Hand started coming near them. Koyal and Ginu started panicking.)

Yasmine (to Ginu and Koyal) - Stop panicking!

(To Hand)

And you? What's your problem? What's your mystery? And why're you troubling us? 

(The Hand started going towards Ginu and Koyal)

Stop right there!

(Yasmine ordered in a firm tone. The Hand obeyed.)

Don't you dare hurt them!

(The Hand disappeared after writing 'It's all fate' on the wall, in red.)


(Aladdin woke up. He was lying on a rock. He noticed Shifaan crouching near him.)

Aladdin - Kudedaan?

(Shifaan punched Aladdin in the face, he fell down from the rock.)

Aladdin - Ahh!

(Aladdin stood up. Shifaan gripped his collar.)

Shifaan - I don't believe a word you say! Tell me where have you hidden them!

(Aladdin pushed him hard.)

ALASMINE - Naam Toh Suna HogaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ