EP 463

200 10 2


(They were now awake.)

Alasmine - What!

Sultan - Yes. And this is my final decision.

(They both widened their eyes.)

Both of you will be expatriated. And, that too, together.

Alasmine - Together!

Aladdin's 3 friends (whispered amongst themselves at the same time.) - What will happen to us now?!

Alasmine - You cannot do this to me! I will not go with him/her. 

(They looked at each other.)

You don't copy me! You......

Sultan - Silence! You both are at fault. Hence, you both shall be punished. You both must leave Turkistan immediately, and before you return, you must acquire a crown from one of the 12 countries of Arabia.

(Alasmine looked at him with their mouths open and eyes wide.)

Aladdin - This is not how it's done, Father! You are just playing it right!

(He ran up to Sultan.)

Aladdin - I hurt my head, but I think it has affected your mind. That's why you are doing this to me! T...This is wrong. I won't go anywhere.

(He sat on the stairs near the throne.)

There is no such rule.

Sultan (to minister) - Minister.........

Minister - There is one such rule, Prince.

(Aladdin stood up.)

Aladdin (to minister) - You better keep quiet! You are his minister...

(pointing to Sultan.)

Not mine. So, why are you talking in between? There is no such rule. I didn't do anything. I won't go! I won't go!

(He said and sprawled on the small staircase near the throne, where he sat down earlier.)

I won't go!

(Yasmine took a few steps ahead and came just near Aladdin. She spoke while joining her hands.)

Yasmine - Sultan, please don't do this. I...I'll go anywhere. I'll hang myself, but I won't go anywhere with him. 

(Aladdin stood up.)

Aladdin (to Sultan) - See, she doesn't want to go anywhere with me!

(To Yasmine)

And you, go hang yourself!

(Yasmine looked at him angrily. He ran up to Sultan.)

Sultan, I'll leave all my bad habits. I'll leave my laziness. I will leave everything!

(He said while massaging Sultan's shoulders.)

(His 3 friends were happy, but that happiness was only for some moments.)

I'll do what you say. Just don't send me with her. She is Black Thief. And don't send me anywhere. I want to stay here.

Sultan - Prince, you have wasted 18 years and 17 months.

Aladdin (whispered) - No...

Sultan - Though you know how to walk and run, but you didn't learn how to stand on your feet.

(Sultan kept his hand on Aladdin's cheek.)

Perhaps, it was my mistake. I forgot that a plant needs sunlight as much as it needs shade. Now go, and return only after you get some maturity.

ALASMINE - Naam Toh Suna HogaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt