EP 458

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(Narrator- 18 years ago, two innocent people had perished in the raging fire of hell. However they were born again in Turkistan, a land far away from Bagdad.)

A woman is giving birth in a castle, "My son ALADDIN", she said after giving birth. Somewhere else in Turkistan a woman is laying in a small hut, also giving birth, "My daughter YASMINE", she said after giving birth.

Aladdin has a birthmark of moon on his hand and Yasmine has a birthmark of star on her hand.


(narrator- Turkistan is a colourful land brimming with cheer and joy. However, where the good exists there exists evil too, as does the one who fights evil.)

(There are 3 men in the market who are troubling a shopkeeper, and our Aladdin arrives riding on a horse like the prince he is, but he had covered his face.)

One of the thieves' picked up an item from the man's shop and threw it.

Shopkeeper- NO, do not fling it like that, it is from Baghdad. Someone help me... (and while saying this, he ran to catch it but tripped on a wooden branched and fell on the ground.

(All the people who were gathered by the noise were just laughing and doing nothing. Aladdin caught the object which was thrown, all the people began wondering, "Who is he? , Where has he come from?". Aladdin jumped down from his horse and helped the shopkeeper in getting up. With the shopkeeper, he walked towards those troublemakers who were standing arrogantly with nasty smirks on there faces.

Theif 1 - Who are you?

Aladdin - In relation, I am your father, but my name is..... (he uncovered his face) ........ ALADDIN.

Shopkeeper (to the thieves) - He is Aladdin, our Prince.

Aladdin - Who would have not heard the name.

( He kicked on the stomach of one of the thieves but the other 2 also got pushed and they all screamed in pain, Aladdin also screamed mockingly. 1 of them tried to slap Aladdin but Aladdin quickly dodged him, the thief ended up hitting his friend. The 3rd thief tried to punch Aladdin but dodged him also and he fell on the stuff in the shop behind Aladdin.)

(Everyone started clapping for Aladdin, and he beat up those guys some more, then he wiped the sweat off his forehead. Okay I don't know how but the twirled the 3 of them around and removed their shirts?!?!?!?!?! Ginu ke bina jadu?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Anyways, he held their shirts in his hands and the 3 of them were trying to hide their body in shame, and.... the audience was still clapping. Aladdin sat on his horse and whistled and one of his servant appeared with a camera in his hand.)

Servant - Please smile, sire....... (he said in a funny voice... his voice is naturally funny)

(Aladdin posed)

(The servant clicked the thieves' pics without their shirts... and the Aladdin's.)

Aladdin (to the thieves)  - The moment I saw your appearance and deeds, I knew that you belong to the gang of thieves.

Servant - Wonderful, Fantastic. I must applaud your judgement of character, Sire. Amazing!

(Aladdin got down from his horse.)

Aladdin - The most important thing is that all of you have insulted an elderly man. As the prince, I will not tolerate this, And hence, you have been punished. Should I stop now or undress you more.....?

One of the thieves' said - We are sorry, sire.

(And all 3 thieves ran away as fast as possible. The shopkeeper approached Aladdin)

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