what is going on?

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- start episode 6 -

trainees at the verge of elimination:
dawn wang : 32nd place (reason for drop will be soon revealed)

dawn had made his way back to the dorms with red eyes, where they were asked to head to their new dorms with new roommates. dawn was too upset to care as he was too guilty for the lost of haru, as he grabbed his bags someone was behind him the whole time.

"you okay?" the voice was familiar but dawn didn't really care as all he could do was think about haru, when he made it to the dorms he realised he was with hao and keita. dawn just laid on his bed while the other two had no idea what to do for him.

"do you not remember what haru said to you at the ceremony?" hao said as dawn did remember it, loud and clear. hao then forced dawn to say it out loud as hao knew exactly what to do now so that dawn could feel better.

"haru told me to stop crying and to focus on myself now, if i continue to cry the fans will hate me." now thinking about it haru was right so this embarrassed dawn from all the crying he did and decided to maybe focus on himself now, keita looked at hao in shock to see the huge change in less than a minute.

since tomorrow was a huge moment that the staff couldn't expose, the trainees were allowed to sleep with whoever they want therefore why hao chose keita and dawn but dawn didn't choose anyone because of his emotional outburst.

as dawn was currently unpacking for the night, the staff had pulled him out of the room to a tiny room as they looked quite serious. what was going on? dawn was so confused right now as this could mean anything, even an early elimination, did he do something wrong?

"we have some bad news." one of the staff said with a phone on them, all dawn could think about was if his family was involved because if so he would drop out immediately just to help out his family. he was thinking about all sorts of situations and what this could lead to but what he didn't expect was what they had to say..

"right now, the fans aren't too happy with you as they're calling you a lazy dancer and how you don't deserve second place. so there's a hate train for you, it's quite huge so we wanted to know if you want to release a statement or if you want to drop out?" dawn's stomach dropped as he couldn't believe his ears, he knew he was a bad dancer but being called lazy was not something he was.

dawn told them he didn't want to do both as he didn't care about releasing a statement and he certainly didn't want to leave the show. he walked out of the room with a different expression as he ignored everyone who tried talking to him, as he made it to his dorm room he went under his blankets and stayed there while crying quietly so no one knew even though everyone could tell something was going on.

suddenly someone who had been on the ipad noticed a tag on twitter, #dawnwangislazy. now those who saw dawn's sudden change could understand why dawn ignored everyone, no one knew why fans did this to him as everyone saw him as a hard worker who didn't give up on anyone.

but once gyuvin found out, his heart also dropped. he couldn't believe it, but he was one of the few people who knew why dawn couldn't dance to his fullest. he wanted to talk to dawn but once he headed to his room, he noticed him just crawled up in a ball not even revealing himself.

everyone had felt so bad for him, no one expected this to happen to the cute dawn. no one dared to walk in his room and talk to him, the only people who walked in were his roommates but they only walked in to grab their stuff or to lay on their bed to sleep. even the staff didn't even invite him to go out to record something as they knew dawn was too upset to even go out.

"gyuvin?" hao said as they were in the cafeteria wondering why people were calling him a lazy dancer, sitting on the table was the yuehuas along with hanbin. hao could tell gyuvin was hiding something especially since his facial expression was revealing something that his mouth couldn't.

"you look like you're hiding something?" everyone was now turning to gyuvin as he indeed knew something but this could hurt the trust him and dawn had, gyuvin knew what he had to do was the best for everyone.

"fine. just don't tell dawn, he'll probably kill me. but he told me that the reason for his dancing not being the best was due to his tore acl, a year before he joined boys planet he tore his acl and every since that day he's been conscious of doing it again since the doctors told him he was at a higher risk of doing it again. but i didn't know this would happen to him." the yuehuas felt so bad as they now understood why he would constantly stare at his knee or keep touching it.

"we need to inform staff or perhaps the fans so that they could understand what was going on?" yujin suddenly said as the youngest had an idea, hanbin along with hao were about to go until gyuvin stopped them. he was afraid of dawn's reaction as he didn't want anyone to know, gyuvin truly wanted the best for dawn but this was way too far.

seeing gyuvin's reaction, they decided to wait it out until it got worst. the others admired gyuvin's love for dawn that they even wanted to ask why he was so defensive when it came to dawn but they didn't ask him as he would be embarrassed. even though they didn't notice the awkwardness between dawn and gyuvin right now, it was best they didn't.

every trainee soon found out what dawn was going through, no one would ever wish this upon their worst enemy as they saw the drastic change. but what they admired was how the staff informed all of them how dawn was still going to continue, they saw the hard working in him and don't understand why he was being called lazy. only some knew the reason why.

dawn was so loved by everyone even the staff since he was so lovely and cute to everyone. now dawn was wrapped up in his blankets, the yuehuas decided to give him a visit.

"dawn?" ollie said as dawn looked up to see ollie with nervousness in his eyes, dawn didn't know what to do he didn't want to snap at him as he would even feel more guilty but decided invited him to sit with him.

"is it okay if i invite the others?" ollie said as dawn didn't mind and he actually wanted people to visit him as he was quite lonely even though he was being quite distant by hiding. that's when the yuehuas entered, gyuvin was the last person that walked in despite the fact gyuvin upsetted dawn, he was more upset with the fans.

"we wanted to distract your mind, so we got you letters from every trainee that survived." seungeon said as dawn looked at the letters and couldn't believe this, he was now tearing from happy tears and hugged all of them. he was so grateful for friends like this..

"thank you! you guys really boosted my energy, but it's getting late so is it okay if i sleep now?" dawn was getting tired as they all wished him good night.

"good night dawn!"

late at night dawn read the leaders and he was so emotionally attached to these letters as they were giving him energy... but one letter stuck out.

"gyuvin: don't read to the finale."

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