the introduction to boys planet

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as dawn was wondering who that hao dude was, as he's definitely met him before, the lights started getting dimmer. the trainees looked at each other in confusion wondering what was going on as they all jumped in shock when the screen in the front started displaying the survival show's logo.

smiles and laughters could be heard as they all knew that their dreams were all coming true, dawn forgot about his fear of heights as he watched the screen in the front. a total of 99 boys were in the room currently, and the female robotic voice started speaking as 'she' welcomed everyone to the show.

dawn couldn't stop but looking at some of the guys in the room, some were extremely good looking and some were just his type but he could never say that especially since he was in a country that still hasn't supported gay marriage so i guess he had to stay quiet unless something emerges out of nowhere.

cheers could be heard as dawn caught the last sentence of there being mentors that would guide them throughout their journey in boys planet. the fans names that would be the ones who chooses who will debut were named star creators, that made dawn wonder how many people would debut hopefully it would be more than nine as it wasn't like the last season where it followed the nine concept.

dawn looked at the reaction of ollie and found it so cute, maybe he sees why people call him cute. and dawn's question was soon answered as like the last season, only nine would debut, he found that dumb as there must be a heap of talent for a reason so there should be at least more than nine.

100% of the debut line up would be created by the star creators, this meant that dawn would have to be on their good side. but that would be hard especially since the history of mnet evil editing foreigners was quite the history. however dawn wasn't gonna let some evil edit ruin his career so he would show it just through his talent.

the topic of masters were reintroduced as it was announced there would be a master for each skill, rap, dance and vocal. first the vocal masters were gonna be introduced, dawn believed he had a decent voice but he still wanted to improve so he would benefit from these masters.

lee seok hoon, someone dawn immediately recognised as a vocal powerhouse with a sweet voice but from previous survival shows he's shown that he can also be quite strict and scary. solji, the former main vocalist of EXID, she was the perfect master as she had experience in being a kpop idol. lim hyun byul, he was known for his time in girls planet where he had the best reactions to failed notes, he had the talent but was quite scary. with all these three vocal masters, dawn knew that he would be the best vocalist he could ever imagined.

the rap master soon came out, pH-1. dawn was a huge fan of him, it was a burden that there was only one but it didn't matter as it meant that whenever there was a rap class, he would be the only one teaching him so it was fine.

the dance masters soon came out and this was the area dawn wanted to work on the most as he believes that's the area he would focus on more. baek koo young was introduced as the first master, he was really intimidating especially in girls planet. choi young joon was also another favourites of dawn's, he loved his dance style and wanted to be just like him. the two of them had choreographed the best kpop dances out there, it was shocking seeing them here especially with all their credits and accolades.

last but not least was lip j, dawn had seen her before once when she visited the company dawn was at when he lived in china. he wondered if she remembered him after she constantly complimented him for his dance and his looks. seeing all of the masters line up was scary but also comforting as they were the ones that would help them debut and improve.

dawn was so excited to see what was up next but what the masters said next scared him. a graph with the confidence level was shown, all the stars they had placed on their name tags were added up from each group.

dawn noticed that k-group had way more confidence but there could be a factor to this, g-group had a disadvantage especially since they don't know the language here and this could possibly be their first time in korea so of course they wouldn't have as much confidence.

but the numbers of stars would change with the "star level test" which was a test where the masters would judge them on their skills based off on their performance. dawn was scared despite knowing that they had to perform in front of masters and the trainees.

the masters all headed up to their seats where they patiently waited for their first performance, in the meantime, the trainees were waiting for who was up next. it was gonna be a long day especially with the cameras going off and on every 10 minutes so that was a struggle.

the four boys who were next to him had their own conversation and at this moment dawn wished he had brought a friend along, someone who was talented and could actually perform but no dawn didn't have any friends like that. dawn looked at the room with home sickness, as he missed his home and parents, and of course his bed. who wouldn't miss their bed?!

the four boys suddenly turned around and asked him if he knew what time he was going at or at least when he was going. when dawn looked at them in confusion, they handed him a board which showed when each group/solo performance would go up next. 

dawn looked carefully for his name and finally found it, he noticed he was going after the four boys he was sitting with. yuehua entertainment, how lucky were they to get into that company, dawn tried to get in but didn't allow him for some odd reason despite his company telling him that he would definitely make in.

"you know you can talk to us?" ricky said as he noticed dawn looked off once again, dawn gave a reassuring smile as if he was okay even though he was too busy thinking about something. the four boys who he was with were nice but he couldn't stop and wonder if they were just being nice for the camera.

he wanted to get to know them but that was hard with cameras all up in their faces, all of a sudden a group of four boys wearing all black made their way to the front.

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