pain and suffering

710 35 30

TW: blood

dawn woke up early as the trainees were taking training sessions with their level groups. since all stars were the first in line, they had to wake up earlier than the others which was a pain in the ass, he's always had struggles waking up early. he quietly left the room as he didn't want to also wake the others up but it seems that ricky had also been up.

"you're so loud, you know?" ricky whispered as dawn gave him a dirty look while leaving, dawn had also seen the other all stars walking around. dawn waited at the practise room to open when he saw the korean yuehua boys making their way, they all looked so tired and stressed. hao had also made it a few minutes with keita and chen kuanjui, who he found out was hao's friend from china.

master solji was inside as she kindly allowed them to enter, one half of the room was filled with the korean all stars while the other side was filled with the global all stars. dawn realised how much more they had than them so they had the advantage already of shining.

solji had high expectations of everyone especially since they were all stars and got this level for a reason so she didn't expect anything less. dawn was nervous hearing this so he stayed in the back as he didn't want too much attention on himself especially since he's already gone through so much back in china.

she had asked them to all sing together, since dawn was in the back it seems that it was working as she was mainly paying attention to those in k group for a reason. solji suddenly asked certain trainees to go one by one, he prayed that he wasn't one of them but the trainee who placed a lot of stars on his name tag, junhyeon was now called up to sing.

as he was singing, dawn could tell he had a decent voice but something was holding him back perhaps he was sick or ill. but he couldn't stop noticing the fact that while singing, his whole body was dancing as his feet kept moving, his eyes were even dancing as they kept rolling backwards. dawn tried so hard to keep in his laughter but solji laughed so hard that even he did.

dawn thought he was doing well at hiding but suddenly solji asked if he could sing. he nervously headed to the front where he grabbed his lyrics and waited for the cue, as he was singing he knew everyone was looking at him so he had to do well. his voice was quite angelic and many said that it was so attention grabbing, immediately after finishing solji clapped.

"you may not know but i saw you trying to hide yesterday while learning. you're so talented and your voice is so nice to listen to but one advice is be confident!" dawn listened to her advice and thanked her for asking him to sing. she also asked the other g group members to sing, dawn was proud that everyone was doing well, at this rate maybe they would win the benefit next round!

gyuvin was then called up and dawn remembered last night how he wasn't so confident in his singing so when he was singing, dawn could tell he was nervous and forgeting the fact that he speak korean, he was mispronouncing words. then yujin was also called up, he was also struggling and dawn couldn't stop but feel so bad for them as they were really being targeted.

after the vocal session, the dance session was soon followed up. now they had master baek kooyoung who was known for his strict teaching and the one who called out yujin, so this was scary. as he continued the choreography, dawn would look over at yujin and he could tell he was quite stressed already and going insane.

he was constantly making mistakes that he normally wouldn't, the master would constantly correct him. everyone was doing well but yujin wasn't focusing and this was what made him a target, he would either forget moves or be too early. then the master started attacking him verbally by saying how his son could have done it better, personally dawn would never allow anyone to stoop that low. yujin was still young and being compared to a child must have hurt.

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