learning the signal song

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as gyuvin walked with dawn to the stadium, yujin along with the other yuehua boys caught up and asked why they didn't wait for them but gyuvin was quick on the spot and immediately told them that they thought they had left them so him and dawn left to find them. luckily they believed him, dawn didn't want anyone else to find out about his situation.

dawn let go of gyuvin's hands as he didn't want people to assume anything but he didn't want to see the face of gyuvin as he didn't want to see neither a face of happiness nor a face of sadness. however dawn noticed that gyuvin looked upset at the fact that he let go but he understood that rumours spread quickly so that was for the best.

dawn sped up to catch up with hao as he was in front of them, he was quite afraid that gyuvin may go around telling others since he was quite loud but you never know. in the mean while dawn was honestly scared to see what the signal song was like despite gyuvin volunteering to help him out.

plenty of the trainees had already arrived with the same intention of immediately trying to learn the signal song, and of course there were signs with the amount of stars they've earned during the first test. dawn went over to the all stars section with hao where they both looked over in sync to see the korean all stars already practicing the choreography.

"i want to learn it now!" hao said it in excitement as dawn looked at the other anxious trainees, they were nervous and he didn't blame them. just by looking at the choreography, dawn was already struggling maybe he should have gotten help from gyuvin but his morals were more important than getting advantages!

while waiting for the masters to arrive, hao introduced dawn to his roommate, keita. dawn remembered his performance from yesterday and suddenly remembered that he was also a former idol, he immediately bowed and complimented his rapping skills and asked him to help him with his own skills.

"you're such a cutie! but when i saw you perform, i was so shocked that you performed such a dark song. overall i think you're really talented." dawn was seen blushing as keita was being so nice and he didn't know how to control his emotions.

the masters saved his embarrassment as just in time they arrived and with serious faces they started playing the song, dawn's sweatiness calmed down as he fell in love with the song. this was not what he expected as he couldn't understand korean fluently so he listened to the music, and it sounded so energetic and positive. however they were given lyrics with translations and dawn was hit with beautiful meanings and loved the song.

something he also noticed was how high the song was, this didn't affect dawn as he's always had a high pitched voice for a male so maybe this was his advantage. they were asked to sing along, majority of the trainees were struggling due to the high key and honestly this wasn't fair for the trainees with a lower range.

dawn found it quite easy but he didn't want to seem too arrogant so he didn't try his best. he never really liked showing off as he didn't want people to see him negatively, but seeing the others trying their best maybe he should too?

suddenly the masters asked if anyone wanted to have a try, dawn found it funny how they all tried avoiding eye contact to save the embarrassment but one trainee who was jumping happily was called out, takuto. dawn found him so cute as he sang with difficulty, he had confidence and that was something he approved of. even though he lacked some skills, he would definitely improve as he was always trying.

it seemed that everyone was struggling with the higher notes, everytime someone would have a turn they always messed up with a certain part. this song was quite the struggle, but someone offered to sing, zhang hao. dawn was shocked to hear that he did it with ease, he was definitely a hard worker who always did their best. every trainee in the room was quite surprised at how quickly he learnt this.

everytime one of the masters would look over at dawn's direction, he would either avoid eye contact or pretend to practice with those around him. it worked, they didn't ask him to sing at all which was a good thing.

the dance master had arrived where he started teaching the choreography, this is where dawn really had to pick up the pace. zhang hao who was right beside him was able to remember the choreography with ease, how talented was he? five minutes was give to memorise the part they had just learnt, dawn was doing decent as hao was also able to teach him alongside the other all stars of g group.

each levels of stars at a time would perform the section they had been taught, three stars were up first and dawn cheered for them as he also wanted more of them to join him. the no stars were up and dawn wanted to say they did well but considering that doha's arms movements were going the wrong way and mingyu had bumped into the sign, it was okay?

finally it was the all stars up next, dawn nervously got up and waited for the music to play. he could feel all eyes on him as they waited to see what the all stars were able to do, since zhang hao was the unofficial leader of g group he was really able to teach each details to them which lead them to be in sync and perfect the section they were taught. meanwhile dawn would have quick glances over and notice that the k group were out of sync and were a mess.

suddenly the dance masters started calling out those who didn't do as well such as lee hoe taek, despite being a known idol he was also being treated fairly which was something dawn appreciated especially since everyone was equal and no one was higher than anyone. then he started going after yujin, the words he was saying could have hurted anyone but yujin was staying strong and dawn felt so terrible for him, he was quite young to already be going through this.

finally, the session was over. dawn tiredly headed back to the dorms where takuto and matthew waited, they asked if dawn could teach them and help with the choreography. right now he was tired but he would do anything if that meant they would get higher stars.

"make sure you don't over hit that because you lose energy from that." dawn said as he looked at them, over some time they improved a bit which was good. takuto ended up hugging dawn, he reminded him of his little sister which was someone he really missed.

"you speak english right?" matthew asked as dawn replied in english.

"how'd you learn english?" he asked again.

"since my parents are from different countries, they had to communicate with something and luckily they both knew english. over time they both learnt each other's languages so now they can speak that, but they wanted me to also english as if could benefit me." dawn replied as he started making his bed. matthew was quite shocked to hear him english so fluently, meanwhile takuto was trying to understand but couldn't which was a cute scene.

dawn was wondering where ricky was, so he told them he was going to look for ricky. as he was walking around, he ended up in the korean dorms, he was unable to find him but he noticed yujin with gyuvin. they were both upset so he decided to enter since it was just them two and no one else.

"are you okay?" dawn said as he stood infront of them as they looked up at him.

"i don't know, i'm still not good at remembering choreography on the spot. it was so embarrassing when he called me out in front of everyone especially since i admire him." yujin said as it was obvious that he was trying to hold in his tears, dawn knew what he was going through since this was just like how he felt when he first became a trainee.

"believe it or not, i used to get scolded and embarrassed all the time and i've never told anyone but i used to get treated so badly due to me being half thai and chinese. even though he may have took it too far, this will help you improve. you're still young and there's so much room for you improve, and if you need help just ask me or your hyung gyuvin." dawn said as he tried holding on his tears while talking about his past trainee days, meanwhile dawn looked at gyuvin since he was the only one who knew what he was going through.

"hyung is that true? you're so good at what you do so that's shocking." yujin asked as dawn nodded his head, this gave yujin some confidence and reassurance that he would do well. gyuvin on the other hand was so happy to see that yujin looked happier, he was also quite surprised that dawn was treated horrible back in his company. he left while saying good night and continued his search for ricky but when he headed back after not finding him, he found him sleeping.

he was a cutie so he forgave him despite him being older, the others had also fallen asleep so he quietly closed the door and switched off the lights. he quietly entered his bed and closed his eyes hoping for a positive day tomorrow.

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