back door

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disclaimer: i will be skipping the results of back door and the performances of hot sauce to not bore the readers!

the star master started revealing what the next song was going to be, as soon as the fans heard the song and group they went insane. i guess stray kids really were one of the bigger kpop groups out there right now and it was no surprise that the trainees performing had to do well or else they were doomed.

this was definitely one of the most anticipated performances especially since there were more of the popular trainees like jiwoong, yujin who represented k group. and representing g group was ricky and kamden, they were the more popular members so of course fans were excited!

dawn loved all of their introductions and found it so cute how they used jiwoong's name as apart of it, yunseo and yujin were the ones dawn were rooting for especially since they came from yuehua. meanwhile as g group made their introduction, dawn found it funny how they made it look so fancy with ricky speaking.

but once again yujin was being a target for the masters as the dance master would constantly check his dancing and asked him if he stopped improving. every time they were together it looked like yujin was either too tired or upset and trying to hold in his tears, dawn hated seeing him like this and couldn't bare it. he was so adorable and loveable, dawn would sometimes stay behind and watch him so that he was okay.

occasionally dawn would check in during their practise and just watch them, the team was okay with dawn sitting down and watching them as they all adored him as well especially since dawn was just so cute. but there was one part that dawn wasn't allowed to see so whenever that part came, he was asked to close his eyes and every time someone would cover his eyes as well just in case.

he was so curious on why but now his answers were about to be revealed with their performance about to start, dawn watched in anticipation as jongwoo started off their performance. it was shocking how good he was especially since he was only a one star, dawn always had a proud face on whenever he saw yujin and right now it happened again.

dawn couldn't believe how good they were, it was like watching stray kids perform the song right in front of them but instead they were just trainees competing to debut. there was a buildup for something that was about to come, and dawn's mouth dropped to see what it was, another abs reveal.

but jiwoong was the one showing them off while biting his shirt, dawn was too shocked to even speak or scream. this was not what dawn expected as the part where they would cover his eyes as up, this was a gay awakening for those who identified as straight.

dawn noticed how quick the performance, i guess it was true that when you were having fun time went fast. once again, dawn's favourite performance changed as this overtook the g group's danger performance. this was insane to just watch, dawn couldn't even see straight anymore and you know why!

now it was time for g group to perform, dawn was afraid that they weren't going to be as good as k group as they already set the bar high up like way higher up. but there was one person he was going to cheer for the most, ricky. everytime dawn visited their rehearsals during break time, he could sense tension so he would leave early all the time just to avoid that energy.

every night ricky would give out tea such as when he was given the killing part, but the most shocking part was when no one listen to kamden who was their leader. everyone else would speak mandarin knowing that kamden wasn't fluent in their language, ricky was quite afraid since if they continued like this nothing would improve.

but now it was going to show in their performance whether or not they improved. ricky started off their performance and dawn was not afraid to admit that he was serving face everytime he was on the screen, dawn could tell they were fighting for the number one spot as they needed it.

sadly, the main vocalist made a noticeable voice crack that shocked everyone as it was quite loud. dawn knew that just from this mistake they were going to have trouble beating the other team considering that k group made no mistake at all during their performance.

but ricky's confidence and strong aura seemed to relax that mistake as he caught everyone's attention with his strong stage presence and talent. for anyone that only saw ricky for his visuals, you guys are blind as how can you deny his talents as well.

as the performance was finally wrapping up, dawn loudly cheered for ricky as he was definitely the most talented in the group. but however dawn started feeling tense and knew that something wasn't right, he immediately walked away to the bathroom as he wasn't feeling okay.

he looked up to see that he was turning paler than usual, what happened all of a sudden? as soon as he was about to fall down, someone had quickly carried him so that he didn't fall on the ground, who was this man!

slowly, his vision started focusing and he realised it was zhang hao with matthew.

"hyung? what are you doing here?" dawn asked tiredly as he realised that he was starting to have struggles speaking, what the fuck was going on? that's when matthew realised what was going on, dawn wasn't eating and drinking enough water so he immediately grabbed the food and drinks that were near the rooms and handed it to dawn.

dawn hesitantly started drinking the water while hao stayed with him as matthew was still checking up on him.

"how did you know i was in here?" dawn asked as hao explained that they noticed him walking off with a tired expression, and he could tell that something was wrong so he grabbed matthew where they saw him about to fall.

"thank you so much, both of you. i'm already starting to feel better but is it ok if you don't inform the staff, i don't want them finding out they might pull me away." hao and matthew looked quite hesitant to say anything as they had to tell the staff or else serious consequences could arise but seeing dawn looking so persisted to stay they gave in and did it.

"on one condition though, if this happens again we're telling the staff."

and like that, dawn headed back finally agreeing so that no one would be up in his ass.

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