first mission reveal

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last night was tiring but with the long hours of sleep he got, he was filled with energy. realising that today they were going to have information about the first mission gave dawn some excitement, he got out of bed and then washed up. dawn didn't know how his parents were doing but all he knew was that they were stable since someone had tipped them a huge amount of money which was helping them.

"hyung! good morning." takuto said as dawn got out of the bathroom, every morning takuto would go up to dawn and tell him good morning, it was pretty much a daily task. matthew was such a heavy sleeper, so whenever dawn felt like he was oversleeping matthew would ask him to wake him up.

but ricky was the most shocking, every morning you couldn't tell if ricky was wearing make up or not as he looked good with both. he had such clear skin that it was perfection, he was definitely an angel sent from heaven as he was also a kind soul who cared about others.

the four of them walked together to the room where they were asked to meet up with the others, but there were names on the floor. to his surprise, the three of them, ricky, matthew and dawn weren't able to find their names but takuto was able to find his.

this was weird as nine from k group weren't able to find theirs either, and nine from g group weren't able to see theirs so what was going on? dawn kept searching for his and their names but it was a struggle so he just stood where those who couldn't find their names were which was the front with the numbers one to nine.

all of a sudden, a man wearing full black had entered the room then it hit dawn, he recognised him! everyone in the room was going insane, this man was beautiful and such a eye catching person. hwang minhyun, the visual and vocalist of wannaone which was a product of a survival show so hes had experience in survival shows!

before announcing the first mission, he had some news he had to tell them. the fancams of each trainee was released and star creators had watched them, gave their evaluation and ranked them. so this meant the numbers they were standing on were based on popularity and how the fans saw them. dawn didn't expect this much love from the fans, he never knew he would be this high up as he was in the top nine!

the results of who was who in the top nine were about to be revealed for k group, he looked and realised that yujin was one of them so he felt so happy seeing him there. ninth was lee dongyeol, eight was oh sungmin, seventh was cha woongki, sixth was han yujin, fifth was lee seunghwan, fourth was lee daeul which was a surprise for everyone as he wasn't the most talented but maybe it was his charms.

the top three were revealed to be sung hanbin, kim jiwoong and lee hoe taek. third place was revealed to be the signal song center sung hanbin, he was definitely fit to be the star of the show as he got the talent and the looks. first place was slowly revealed to be lee hoetaek which meant jiwoong was second, the two of them ranked high as they were known from previous experiences.

finally it was time for those in the global group to be revealed, dawn didn't really mind whether he was last or not as he was just grateful he was in the top nine. ninth was seok matthew, eighth was ricky, seventh was hao which was a shock as everyone thought he would be higher. sixth was jay, fifth was cong and fourth was hiroto.

the top three left were dawn, keita and anthonny. dawn was shaking as he had a chance to be first ranked, that was when third place was revealed to be keita. dawn was standing next to anthonny and whispered to him that he didn't mind and hoped that he would get it, anthonny smiled and held his hand out of fear.

"the trainee in first is dawn wang." the master said as dawn looked shocked hearing this and hugged anthonny, he felt so bad for him but he was proud of himself for ranking first and he was so grateful for those who watched his fancam!

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