sexy performance

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a group of five male trainees were now on the stage getting ready to show their talents, dawn had already embarrassed himself infront of one of them who was a known actor so right now he definitely wasn't in the good books of his.

"isn't he the guy you bumped into, hyung?" ollie said in a mocking tone, if that was anyone else he would have attacked them but since he was cute and he was ollie, dawn decided to let it go because who would want to yell at an angel like him. dawn was scared to see what the five of them would bring since their starting position featured a rose.

to their surprise, jiwoong crushed the rose and the unexpected happened. this would be a sexy dance as dawn recognised the song as mirotic which featured sexy dancing so i guess everyone had to be prepared for this.

just as dawn expected, their dancing was quite seductive and this was something dawn fell in love with. they were extremely eye catching and dawn never left his attention off on them, mainly jiwoong, he was so attractive that pretty much everyone stared at him.

one of the performers suddenly sang an octave lower than the original song which shocked everyone as it was quite deep, dawn didn't even realise he'd done that until it was completed due to the amount of action that was going on. everyone was falling for these men, including dawn, he couldn't stop looking at jiwoong for some reason why was he so damn good looking?

"jiwoong is so good looking don't you agree?" dawn said while all four boys he was with all gave him questioning looks, to be honest they were also shocked at the fact that he was able to say that out loud especially since korea was known for its homophobia and you never know if the people around you hated the gays.

the performance continued until everyone's eyes focused on one particular moment, dawn was shaking seeing this. the man who sang the lower octave and jiwoong, they were now face to face not one inch further from each other's lips, but they didn't end up kissing instead they continued with the performance. this was so shocking for dawn as he cheered quite loudly when he had seen this.

"i know you wish that was you!" ricky jokingly said as hao and brian were laughing at this, dawn was embarrassed so he immediately sat with ollie since he was the only nice one to him. this was gay representation and dawn loved it, he loved how the masters were also falling in love with this scene.

when the performance was over, dawn with his fellow friends cheered for them as he had wished they had performed longer and forever. the masters were loving their performance and talked about how jiwoong suit the style, dawn wished that he was closer so he could see it better.

both jongwoo and jiwoong gotten three stars which was quite good while the other three received two stars. dawn wondered who was next until he heard their fellow g group members talking about the maknae of g group, takuto. dawn hasn't met him yet but according to hao, he was a sweet and cute trainee who would casually throw hearts.

all of a sudden he saw a flashing figure running to the stage with an outfit, he was so adorable and dawn immediately love him. you could tell that everyone in the room was also adoring him as their own baby, he suddenly started his own chant "toyonaga takuto!" dawn was dying from cuteness just from his voice!

it was revealed that he was born in 2007, this was shocking because there was a quite a few that was really young such as yujin who was also born in 2007. the trainees were excited to see the performance of takuto, but suddenly as he was about to start. he ran to the front and did a backflip while standing up, dawn went on his feet because even he wasn't able to do that so seeing this was so out of nowhere.

dawn loved the amount of energy and character he had put into his performance although he wasn't the most talented, he had something that many didn't have which was stage presence and how he made it his own. it was great seeing how takuto at such a young age was able to really grab the audience's attention and make it his own concert even the masters were falling for him.

the funny thing was after his performance was completed, the masters talked to him in korean but i don't think he understood as he only replied with "okay" which the masters laughed at since they couldn't hold in his cuteness. although he got zero stars he should have been proud of himself as he really had fun and did better than most of the other zero stars. even while leaving he still gave out heart signs!

"did you even realise that there's a former idol here?" hao asked dawn as dawn looked at him in shock as he didn't notice until hao told him, that was when hao pointed to a dude on the stage and dawn immediately recognised him as namjoon from bts. dawn was going insane as hao was laughing, that was when hao explained that this was lee hoe taek and not namjoon. but still dawn was going crazy that a famous idol was here.

his performance was starting and dawn remembered his group song's famous hit, shine, he would dance to this song every day when it came out so seeing him was a huge deal. how come he didn't notice him, was he that blind?!

the song he was going to perform to was shutdown by blackpink, another song that dawn loved. instead hoe taek had made it into his own version where it was more dramatic and less simple, he was so careful with his vocals and how he danced. that was when he reached his high note, dawn went insane hearing this, he was definitely the best vocalist out of all the contestants so if dawns ever in a singing contest with him, hes dropping out.

the result of four stars was not shocking at all as he really showed all of the trainees how to put on a performance, to be honest for dawn it was kinda weird seeing a former idol competing for a spot on a survival show as he's really famous and that he has so much talent.

dawn realised that the last performances were now completed, so much time had passed and dawn was extremely tired. in his mind, it felt like a whole week has passed and everyone had forgotten about them besides themselves.

it was now announced that the star level test was now completed which was a relief, the winning team which was the group with the most stars, they would win the benefit of learning the signal song a day earlier.

both groups wanted it as this was a needed advantage, everyone wanted to their best and look good so they can get out of the embarrassment. dawn was holding onto both ricky and hao's hands as they prayed that they would be the winning group for the advantage.

k group 0 star: 5

g group 0 star: 11

just from seeing this, dawn knew that it would be harder for the g group to catch up as they had more trainees with zero stars.

k group 1 star: 5

g group 1 star: 13

it was quite shocking to see the amount of trainees in g group with plenty of lower ranks, could this be the fact that majority of them didn't even speak fluent korean?

k group 2 star: 14

g group 2 star: 12

maybe there was a chance for g group to come back with a victory, right now it was neck and neck so anyone could have won. however dawn really wanted it to be them to win!

k group 3 star: 14

g group 3 star: 8

the amount of trainees that are in g group and received a higher score was dropping compared to those who got a lower score.

k group all star: 11

g group all star: 5

dawn wasn't too shocked to see that k group had won the advantage, although they worked hard and yes deserved it. it would have been great for g group to win as they're already disadvantaged just from being foreigners.

what was next for these trainees?

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