burn it up / danger

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- start episode 4 -

(earlier before his performance)

dawn was now wondering which teams would be up next performing in front of the star creators, the star masters, hwang minhyun was now giving hints on who was next. that was when he started talking about his time as an idol, dawn immediately got up knowing which teams were going to perform next, 'burn it up'

this was the song that majority of the trainees wanted to avoid due to the hard choreography and challenging vocal parts, even the star master talked about the issues the group faced while preparing for this song. the crowd went into shock when he started dancing to burn it up, no one expected this and the trainees in the back fell in love with his tiny dancing.

as the trainees walked onto the stage, dawn didn't really know any of them which was quite sad as he wanted to root for them but despite not knowing any of them he was still going to support his fellow g group members. however all he knew was that these groups were filled with trainees that were either chosen last or chosen as a back up so that must have been a hurtful feeling knowing that no one really wanted you.

the g group was going to be the one starting off and as dawn looked at all of them one by one, he didn't really have anyone to root for, maybe while watching he would have someone? the opening was strong and they all seemed mad about being the last chosen members which they should be angry about.

however there was this one specific person who caught his attention, kei, he was such a cutie until dawn found out he was the rapper and damn was dawn shocked to hear him rap. the others in the room had the same reaction as they watched him rap with passion, so far the performance was really stable with no noticeable vocal issues.

that's when someone's voice cracked right before the chorus, dawn's eyes kinda hurt hearing that part as he didn't expect that to happen. but the chorus arrived and the person in charge of the killing part revealed his abs, dawn went into heaven seeing that and the trainees in the back went insane.

whoever this killing part trainee was, dawn was definitely going to try learn his name as dawn was really impressed with him right now despite not knowing his name. that was when dawn learnt that he should really try talk to the other trainees in the show or what was the point.

despite dawn not knowing much about them, they really surprised him with the talent they right it even though they were the last picked trainees. they really showed that even though they were seen as untalented and last picked, they could still perform better than most. now dawn was confident that this was another group that would win against k group as they really brought it.

everyone backstage talked about how well they did which was really good for them and could help them gain popularity since they weren't known yet around fans which was sad. now k group was up next, dawn has only realised that they had two of the youngest members, one as an 07 while the other as an 08 which blowed dawn away to space.

as the performance started, dawn didn't expect too much as they were also another team full of left overs. but to his surprise they were really strong and brought their a game as if this was their last chance to survive, dawn smiled seeing the two younger members trying to fit the concept of looking strong.

there was one person who dawn liked the most, the one who sang in the pre chorus, his vocals were impressive and they stood out the most to him. the killing part dude was really good and dawn could totally understand why they chose him, his facial expressions and you could tell he enjoyed being on the stage.

dawn was getting ready for the chorus where someone would reveal their abs and just like that it happened again, dawn was already dying enough why again?! watching and comparing both of the performances, he honestly had no clue who would win as they were both equal no one was worst or better.

as they headed back to the screening room, everyone cheered for them as they showed their a game. dawn didn't really talk to them so he stayed quiet as he didn't want to be seen as talkative or loud so he just watched the screen as the results came out.

that's when he learnt the killing part name, xian hao, he was the one that was most impressive to dawn. he was rooting for him to get the highest score as he deserved it a lot, he was good on the stage and had fun. the winner for the team was about to be revealed and honestly no one would be mad since they worked so hard but sadly k group won again!

dawn wasn't mad at all as they worked as a team and showed them what they could do despite the challenges that came with it. dawn turned around to see the screen where the next team was being announced, 'danger'. dawn loved the song and he was excited to see who was going to perform.

dawn remembered who was in the global team and his good friend takuto was apart of it, every night after practise there were times that takuto would cry to dawn telling him what was going on. he would cry and tell him that his members would argue in chinese and he was afraid that they would lose and go home. dawn felt upset hearing this as takuto shouldn't be afraid about going home this early.

but after a day so, takuto came back with a happy smile telling dawn that everything was all solved and that they were ready as a team. takuto really was dawn's mood maker, everytime he saw takuto he felt happy but once he saw takuto upset he couldn't stay happy at all.

as usual g group was going to be the first to perform, dawn was happy to see them look so excited to perform especially takuto. the music dropped and the atmosphere changed as they all looked so serious, they were so impressive that it looked like they would break the stage.

their energy was so unmatched compared to the other performances, they looked like they were fighting for their chance of survival which made them so strong. chen guanyu, the killing part, was someone that dawn expect to do so well now he understood why they elected him as their leader as well.

yang jun, who was known for his not well vocals was their main vocalist so dawn was afraid to see how he would do. but to his surprise, his high note wasn't as bad as he thought it would be especially since it was stable enough. dawn was loving them and right now this was his favourite performance, takuto would always be cute even if he tried looking badass.

but not all good things stayed forever as the performance was now ending, the killing part was definitely the best as he was stable and showed a strong performance despite that troubles he would have faced as the leader. now k group was up to perform, there was someone in the team that stood out the most, lee daeul.

now, he wasn't the most talented in the team and there's nothing wrong with that but what dawn hated the most was when fans voted purely off looks and not talent which set up the trainee. he had nothing against daeul but he needed training way more than what he received to come here.

the stage lit up as their heavy movements started off the song, dawn was quite excited to see them. finally dawn realised that he hadn't seen his yuehua friends for a while as they were all split up so it was hard to see each other but dawn was planning to hang out with them the next day since it was revealed there was a break day.

so far the performance was stable with daeul not making any mistakes and dawn actually noticed that he improved a lot but the prechorus was the issue, ichan who dawn knew before started having vocal issues but this wasn't his fault. it was clear that he was sick and was obviously going to have difficulty singing.

this continued for the whole performance which ruined the team's atmosphere but this was no one's fault of course. dawn honestly thought g group would win of course as there performance was stronger and more stable.

but as usual, the results shocked him as k group needed up winning. dawn was mad at the fans as it was clear who were the stronger performers, dawn looked over at takuto who looked upset so he went over to hug him.

"you did well! don't be mad at yourself." dawn tightly hugged him as he sat him down and held his hands until he was ready to go back to his team, dawn was really the angel of the show.

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