fearful faces

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dawn along with the team he had just created could hear whispers behind the door, since it was quite hard to hear dawn couldn't make out who they were but whoever they were should be prepared to lose.

slowly, dawn opened the door and that was when he met the trainees he was preparing to not face. as soon as he saw hoetaek's face, he knew it was over, the team consisted of popular trainees such as hanbin, gyuvin and sungmin so dawn was afraid of that.

haruto went on the floor afraid now, dawn was gonna do the same as he was quite sure that whatever happened, they were gonna lose. that was when his head went blank and didn't know what to do, anthonny along with haru dragged dawn to the other side.

"what are we gonna do." wumiti asked in fear while covering that with laugher, everyone was fearing for their life as it was either elimination or good performance. dawn didn't know whether to just quit or be the leader as the whole team was also quite nervous and no one wanted to step up against the other team.

despite being one of the younger members on the team, he had something that many people didn't, which was hope. even in situations like this, he would stay positive such as when his parents were running out of money but he remained hopeful and continued to work just so they wouldn't land on the streets.

he overheard some of the k group speaking, lee jeongyeon was good at rapping and so was haruto so that was a battle dawn wanted to see. that's when he heard lee hoetaek talking about who he was most afraid of competing against, it was either dawn or jay. that right there gave dawn the confidence he needed to become the leader and lead g group to victory.

"dawn, i think you should be our leader. i believe everyone else agrees with me?" haruto asked as he held the leader sign waiting for dawn to accept and gracefully take it, seeing that the team had hope on him, he decided to take the role. k group was watching this scene and were quite scared since they knew how talented dawn was, seeing him take the leader role was a threat for them.

dawn along with his team watched as the k team was now choosing their killing part, gyuvin was up first and dawn couldn't stop but notice how talented he was, despite the mean comments he got he was still really good. that's when haruto noticed him staring at gyuvin and focused him back to reality!

"leader dawn! focus." haruto said as dawn snapped back to reality, dawn wanted each member to sing a certain part which was the highlight. one by one, they all decided that jay would be their best killing part, he had the vocals and the presence so it was dumb to not choose him.

"jay! you better slay it." dawn said as jay grabbed his name and placed it on the killing part section, loud cheers were heard as k group decided that yedam was their killing part. dawn was confident that jay would win as it was clear who was the better star.

the main vocalist option was now up, dawn wanted jay for it but jay didn't want to as he didn't want to have too many lines. that's when the others wanted to see if dawn was able to sing that part, as he was singing it the members were shocked. they knew dawn could sing but not this good especially since he was always hidden amongst everyone.

"it's clear that you're our main vocalist, now put your name up." anthonny said as dawn thanked them and placed his name up for the main vocalist. that was when he realised who he was going to compete against, hoetaek. dawn knew this was impossible but whatever it took, dawn would still try his best.

a voice could be heard as g group turned around to see hoetaek already hitting the high notes, dawn was scared and knew this was a threat sent to them. the positions were all chosen now, dawn was happy with what was chosen but he didn't feel too comfortable being against him especially since there was a better vocalist in the team.

"guys, i have something to say." dawn suddenly said as he felt like he had to say something or else he would lose for the team and didn't want that to happen.

"to be honest, i think it's best if we're honest right now especially since we need to win. i dont think im suited for the main vocal, jay is, i think me and him should switch as he is the better vocalist." the team looked at him with confusion, jay suited both the main vocalist and the killing part but it was best for the team if they switched.

"i just want your approval and especially jay's as this affects him the most, so is it okay?" dawn turned to jay as he was already willing to do it, jay was definitely scared but he knew this was best for the team. dawn immediately hugged him as he felt a whole pressure coming off of him and with that dawn was now the killing part while jay was the main vocalist.

dawn asked if jay could try it out and that was when dawn and the team realised they made the best decision. jay had such angelic vocals and knew that he was the right person to face the vocal powerhouse of hoetaek, dawn turned around to see that k group was already threatened just by his vocals.

"perfect!" dawn was now handing the lyrics to everyone, he loved the song and the concept. he knew that winning was going to be hard but his team was strong and they were equally as talented as the k group team. their vocals were strong and haruto, and wumiti rapping were good too.

finally, it was time to practise the dance. this was where haru and haruto came into play, their dance skills were perfection so dawn knew he made the right decision in choosing them. one of them were allocated to memorise the choreography and teach while the other would help the dancers perfect the techniques.

dawn was proud to be the leader especially since they were all talented in one way or another. while watching k group, they were on the floor creating a plan, the person he was closest to there was gyuvin and he didn't feel too good competing against him as he genuinely liked him.

"dawn, can i talk to you privately?" haruto suddenly said as dawn along with haruto went outside as the remaining of the other team continued to practise.

"i feel like you're hiding something from me?" haruto suddenly said with suspicious eyes, that's when dawn thought that haruto knew about his situation with his parents but what he said next relaxed him and calmed him down as he didn't know anything yet.

"do you like gyuvin?"

"of course not, we're just friends. i just don't feel okay with the fact that we have to compete against people we may be friends with just because we're from a different country, it feels like war." haruto agreed with that part especially since it was weird.

"i agree with that but earlier while the k group was deciding their killing part, you kept looking at him. and just then you kept looking at him once again, you know you can trust me!" haruto said as dawn was shocked, was it that obvious that he was looking at dawn.

"i was just analysing the opponents, now we're taking too long, let's head back." dawn said as he dragged haruto back in, but hearing what haruto had to say. did he like gyuvin?

no, of course he didn't, they were just friends after all. dawn decided to forget about it and just practise with his team, slowly they were getting better at being in sync thanks to haru and haruto.

during their mini-breaks, dawn would sit with jay as he felt like he gave all of his pressure to him by giving him the main vocalist position.

"i just want to know if you're actually comfortable with it, i feel like i was being selfish and handed you the whole pressure." dawn sat with him as he told him how he felt about the whole situation.

"dawn, don't worry about me. yes of course there's pressure but everyone has it since they all want to win. i think you giving me the main vocalist is challenging me to be my best self so i'd like to thank you." jay's response shocked him as he didn't expect to get thanked by him, but he was just glad that jay wasn't uncomfortable or anything like that.

"well done! k group had left earlier than us so i think it's safe to say, you can go take a rest now and we will catch up tomorrow."

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