day with the yuehuas

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"do you think they're dating?"

"maybe, look how close they are?"

"i'm not suprised, you know how gyuvin is always talking about him."

"they're so cute! wake them up now."

dawn felt soft hands slightly nudging him as he opened his eyes to see the parents of gyuvin, that's when he suddenly jumped up and greeted them. they were laughing at this and calling him cute while gyuvin was still struggling to get up, dawn was also laughing at this while his parents decided to take a picture of this scene.

"dawn, go downstairs. we'll get gyuvin to wake up, in the meantime go eat something." his mum softly said as dawn went downstairs to see his siblings, they were quiet but offered dawn some snacks just like how gyuvin offered him the snacks back in the dorms, they were just like him.

"gyuvin hyung is always taking care of you right?" his sister said while dawn was munching on a snack, he immediately replied with a yes as that was true. dawn was suddenly hit softly from the back as gyuvin hugged him tightly, if people didn't know them people may have assumed they were dating so dawn was quite scared.

"dawn, do you wanna start heading over now?" gyuvin asked as he grabbed dawn's phone for him, dawn wouldn't allow someone to take his phone but knowing he could trust gyuvin he didn't mind as much. as they headed off, eumppappa ran towards dawn and jumped on him while dawn gave him a hug.

"i'll come back!" dawn said in a cheerful tone as eumppappa wagged its tail while his parents were know kissing gyuvin goodbye, their family was so sweet and healthy that dawn was quite jealous as they were the perfect family.

as dawn waved goodbye, gyuvin showed dawn a photo of him as a child. it was cute, dawn immediately tried sending that photo of gyuvin to himself but gyuvin was quite tall so dawn had to jump. since dawn was short, he wasn't able to quite reach it so he decided to run off where gyuvin chased him.

"you're faster than i thought." dawn tiredly said as they were now waiting for the rest of the yuehuas to arrive. meanwhile gyuvin was playing on the nearby playground as if he was still a child which was so cute, dawn never really had a childhood as he was quite hit with the fact that he had to grow up faster than others.

gyuvin asked dawn to come with him as there were no kids for now so it was safe to just do that they wanted to, as they continued to wait for the others they continued to push each other on the swings and that was when gyuvin asked the most random question out of nowhere.

"do you want kids?" dawn immediately froze, what the fuck did he mean by that.

"not really. however if a child ended up on my doorsteps with no parents, then sure i'd look after it but i'm definitely not fit for the role." dawn didn't really know what gyuvin meant by that as that was out of nowhere, but as he turned around to push gyuvin on the swing he looked quite upset.

"are you okay? what's wrong?" dawn stopped pushing him.

"i want kids though." dawn didn't know what to say, of course gyuvin wanted kids but what did that have to do with dawn?

"you don't want kids but i do?" dawn was so confused now, but before he could go on with questioning his weirdness the other boys had arrived where gyuvin's smile finally lit up. meanwhile hao greeted dawn as he wanted to know everything that happened last night but nothing happened so all he told him was that they slept together.

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