-insert shocked face-

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the final group were finally up now, kill this love. dawn said goodbye to zhang hao knowing that he was in the top nine, it was already confirmed he was debuting when he was chosen as the g group center so there was no questions asked whether if he was going to be eliminated or not.

now the confusing part was who was going to make it especially since g group kill this love were the only group from the global side to win against the korean group. there were only two confirmed seats left and whoever they were they must be in luck.

the first rank left out of two was the 27th, dawn was struck with a surprise as he heard that chen kuanjui as the person who ranked that high. this meant that the ranks were definitely moving a lot as the weeks went on, this could possibly mean dawn could have gotten eliminated or ranked higher than before.

there was only one seat left with the person who had this spot ranking 30th. dawn couldn't guess who it would be as there were so many talented people in both teams, the person ranking 30th was once a three star so maybe this was someone from g group?

"wang zihao!" dawn was even more shocked to see that no one from the k group side not make it, this was a shock but maybe gunwook would be in the top nine. however this was still shocking, this wrapped up the kill this love's results and dawn was getting nervous as it could be his turn to be announced in the top nine.

dawn could possible be eliminated as you never know since the ranks changed so quickly over the last few weeks. 22 from k group had made it while 18 from g group had also made it, dawn was shocked at how close the numbers were so he was quite happy.

dawn nervously held jay's hands as it was now time to announce the remaining survivor from the 12 candidates for the top 9 and the anticipated 52nd spot. the master was about to reveal the four candidates for the top nine, dawn was praying that he would be up there so he could get it done and over with.

dawn nervously watched the screen as he saw the faces of jay, keita, park gunwook and kim taerae. he immediately hugged jay seeing that he was making it to the next round, he felt so happy seeing that his close friend was possibly in the top nine. dawn was now sitting alone as jay with the other three walked to the front to see who was sitting on the ninth spot.

the rank 12th would be announced first, dawn prayed it wasn't jay as he wanted him in the top nine. dawn watched as kim taerae was announced as the 12th place, meanwhile park gunwook was soon announced to be 11th.

dawn nervously watched jay as it was either him or keita for the ninth place, no one really knew who it would be but dawn wasn't too worried on who it would be as they were both people dawn were ok with placing in the top nine.

"keita!" dawn cheered loudly but meanwhile still put thumbs up sign for jay as he also worked so hard but he was so close yet so far from debuting. as keita made his speech for being in the top nine, he felt so happy hearing how keita worked so hard and how proud he was of himself.

now it was jay's turn to make his speech, jay was so closer to being in the top nine. dawn watched as he looked like he was going to cry, dawn wanted to cry hearing how jay was thanking dawn for giving him the opportunity to be the main vocalist in the team which helped him gain confidence on the show.

now it was the eighth place to be announced, whoever this was they were a vocalist and dawn thought of himself as he was vocalist three from his real but yet again there were so many other vocalists so this was another hard guess. whenever this was they had their ranks dropped, dawn was afraid this was him.

"lee hoetaek!" dawn was shocked, honestly everyone thought that he was be higher up since he was so popular but damn the fans were definitely quite confusing. dawn was wondering where he would be, he looked around and noticed hao's nervous expression he wished he could have held his hands right now.

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