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"Hey Cal, mind if I use those cinema tickets tonight?"

"Of course. How are you doing?"

"Fine. Gabi needs a pick me up, we don't get chance to hang out much this week,"

"Ah bless. I am really sorry to hear about it all,"

"Oh well. She is very excited, and I might be able to finally get some savings,"

"Yeah, that would be good. I will help you move everything,"

"There isn't much, most of the furniture isn't mine,"

"I will still come and help,"

"Thank you,"

My page went off, so he pat my back and let me get off; it was to paeds, which wasn't where I usually worked, so headed up. Part of me was worried it was Gabi, but selfishly I was relieved when it wasn't.
Instead, it was a teenage girl, tears streaming down her face.

"Ah, Dr Hemmings. This is Lucinda, I am having trouble finding a vein so I told her I would call down the best doctor at giving blood tests,"

"I will take that title any day," I smiled, washing my hands, "We don't want to be poking you too much huh?"

She wiped her face and I passed her some water to drink, gently resting my hand on her arm. I knew rapport was important round her.

"Have you ever fainted during a blood test?"


"That's a good start. Have you eaten today?"

"No. My stomach hurts really, really bad,"

"Awh man! I think we will keep you rested on this bed for this then, you might feel a bit dizzy but that is okay,"

"I'm scared,"

"We are gonna take good care of you," I smiled, "Can I see if there is a good vein to use?"

She held her arms out so I scouted out the best one, then washed my hands again and put gloves on.

"Alright. I need you to do two things. Face away from me, and keep breathing. Don't go holding your breath on me,"

"I can't,"

"Yes you can. Turn away," I said, cleaning her arm. I chose a smaller needle, and got it out, watching her chest stop moving.

"Do you do any sports at school?"


"Oh that is a cool one," I said, carefully putting the needle in, "Are you good?"

"I am on the team,"

"Oh wow. Do you travel much?"

"A bit. We stayed in a hotel last weekend,"

"Check you out. We better get you back to 100% then?"

"Yes please,"

"All done," I said, removing the needle and replacing it with a plaster, "Have some more water,"

"I feel a bit dizzy,"

"Yeah, that's alright. Ohhh I think we have a fainter,"

Gently, I held my hand by her head as it rolled to the side, then got help moving her to her side. She woke up pretty quickly, and had some water, then I left her in capable hands. It wasn't often I got called back to the basics, but I never saw them as a chore or a downgrade as other doctors might. That stuff used to make me so excited to be a doctor, and I still remembered my first successful blood draw.

dreaming // 5sosKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat