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It had been a good couple of days. Mostly the same thing on repeat, but good.
Dropping Gabi off at school.
Going to work.
Getting a call off an upset Gabi taking her medicine.
Picking the kids up.
Watching tv while they played loudly.
Putting Gabi to bed with ease.

Most importantly, I'd had time to breathe and feel like an actual human again. Sort of. It had flown by- it was Friday already.

"Hiya angel!"

"Hi dad!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Good! A bit tired,"

"Yeah? Grandma and Grandad have invited us over for homemade pizza,"

"I need a nap,"

"Good thing they have a bed,"

As we walked to get her medicine, I carried her school bag, then strapped her into the car seat with a snack. The drive to my parents wasn't too far, as we were greeted warmly as we stepped inside.

Gabi skipped into the living room, then came running back and hid behind my leg, making a small noise. I peered in and saw Jack and Ben, a smile instantly growing on my face.

"I didn't know everyone would be here."

"We thought we would surprise you for the weekend,"

I hugged Jack, closing my eyes; they didn't know how much I needed this.

"Gabi, it's your uncles!"

"We heard you had been a bit poorly," Ben said, crouching infront of her, "We brought you some presents,"


"Yeah, would you like to see?"

She nodded, then reached out for my dad and got carried through by him, sitting on his lap. Gabi was pretty cautious around my family, even my mum, but she loved my dad to pieces and always had a soft spot. I wasn't sure why the rest of my family were not cherished as strongly, because she saw me adoring them, but we did see them less than I would like, and I supposed that initially I had withdrawn myself from the family when we both had really needed support.

"What did you get, angel?"

"I don't know yet," she said, looking at me, "Please can you help?"

I sat down by dad, then helped her unwrap the gifts which were very generous. She got a new stuffed animal, a new board game, some snacks, and some new pyjamas.

"Well aren't you a lucky girl to have such amazing uncles?" I said, "Why don't you change into your new pyjamas for your nap?"


"Say thank you,"

"Thank you,"

"Here mate, I'll get her tucked in," dad said, "These are cool pyjamas!"

He took her upstairs, and mum excused herself to start preparing some food, so I sat down closer to my brothers, smoothing the long hair out of my face.

"We got you something too,"


Jack passed over two giftcards, one for a food shop, and one for food at a restaurant. I had never been to a restaurant with just Gabi.

"You guys,"

"You better take her out for a nice meal, okay? While she is feeling okay,"

"I will. Thank you,"

dreaming // 5sosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें