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"Daddy, Grandad is being horrible!"

"What's going on?"

"Grandad is being horrible,"


"He said I can't have more cake," Gabi cried, "I want cake. I wanna eat cake,"

"Has she eaten today?"

"Just cake,"

"If you eat some of your tea then you can have more cake after," I said, picking her up.


"Grandad will pack some up for you. He is right though, you can't only eat cake!"

She coughed into my shoulder, her forehead searing hot. Her eyes were red and raw, and her hair was a state.

"How has she been?"

"Not too good. She threw up a couple of times,"

"I will take tomorrow off work then," I sighed, "Thank you,"

"Bring her round again,"

"I can't,"

"Yes you can,"

"I will see how she is tomorrow,"

"We will look after her, you need to work,"

Mum kissed my cheek and passed me Gabi's bag, then Gabi took the cake from my dad and we went to the car.

"Daddy I feel really poorly,"

"I know, I am sorry angel,"

"It is making me really sad,"

"How about we go home, eat some yummy tea, then sit with the cake and watch a movie under the blankets?"

"Share the cake?"



"But dad wants some cake too,"

"It is my cake," she screamed, "Mine!"

"Gabi, that was not very nice,"

"Grandad said it was my cake,"

I took a deep breath and ignored her, driving home in silence. She kept kicking my seat, but I ignored that too, and took her out of the car seat when I got home to sit on my lap in the front.

I grabbed my bag from the back, and her hand started hitting my face, so I grabbed her flailing  head and looked it at me.

"Gabriella, you are being nasty to me,"

"It is my cake," she said, sniffling, "Grandad said,"


When we got inside I put her down and locked the front door, feeling myself tear up. Not because my six year old had been rude, but because I was so tired after today, and so defeated about her health, and yeah, maybe I just wanted some cake too. It was stupid, but I never got the cake or the nice things, by my choice, but more the situation.

"Dad, are you crying?"

"I am just tired,"

"Please don't go to bed, I need you,"

"I am not going to bed," I said, wiping my eyes, "Why don't you go to the sofa and I will go to the bathroom?"

"I don't want to be alone,"

"See if Uncle Calum or Uncle Michael answers this facetime,"

I called them and passed her my phone, then went to the toilet and looked in the mirror, taking deep breaths. This was ridiculous. I was a grown man crying over cake. Not that it was about the cake but damn on top of everything else it would also be nice to have cake, and not have a six year old slap me over it. She was sick, I wasn't even gonna argue with her about it anymore as she was doing it because she was sick. Still, it sucked.

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