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"Oh I forgot how smart you looked in your uniform!"

"Do I look pretty?"

"You always look pretty,"

"I can't wait to play with Julian!"

"We had better get you to school then,"

I did up her little velcroed ballet slippers, then carried our bags to put in the car and helped get her strapped in. She wore her hair in two pigtails today with little ribbons, and had put my lipbalm on which made her all giddy for some reason.

When we got to school, I gave the reception her medicine and some sweets to eat after, then decided to walk her to her classroom. The school could be a little unforgiving about the fact she got sick, which was ridiculous, but I always liked to have a rather firm word to let them know if she needed a break then she needed a break and there was no arguing (and that she was a very chatty kid so there was never a time she didn't tell me anything ).

Once that was done and she was happily sat with Julian, I left to go to work, making it just on time.


"Hey, Luke. I heard Gabi went home,"

"She is back at school,"

"Oh thats amazing to hear,"

"I was wondering if you wanted me to take Julian for a few nights this week? I would rather Gabi be at home right now but maybe we can swap round next week,"

"That would be really great, thank you. I have a good feeling about this, you know? That me and you are gonna get this,"

"I am glad one of us does,"

"We areeeee. How about tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday you take the kids, then I can take them the same next week?"

"That sounds great,"

We split off to do our own responsibilities, and I was down at the labs today which was a nice change. I needed some quiet and calm.

I hoped that one day I would be doing my own research, but it was still interesting to be doing it for others and I had tried very hard to get to this position. Sure, my friends were a lot more successful right now, but I was determined to get Gabi and I everything in the world and more.

I didn't know how long I would actually get with my kid, and I didn't want all that time to be living the way we do now.

After eating lunch with Cal, I headed back to the labs, feeling my phone ring on the way; it was school, so I found a quiet hall and answered.


"Mr Hemmings?"

"That is me,"

"Hi. It is time for Gabi to have some medicine but she is getting a bit upset so I said she could talk to you,"

"Okie dokie,"

I could hear her sniffles as the phone got passed over, and bit my lip. It was hard not being there to comfort her.


"Hiya sweetheart! What is the matter ay?"

"I don't want my medicine, it tastes bad,"

"I know, but I packed some sweeties for you!"


"I gave them to reception,"

"I have no sweets. Miss nurse, my dad said he packed me sweets!"

I chuckled to myself, sliding down the wall until I was crouched down.

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