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"What are you doing here?" Michael smiled, "It is good to see you,"

"Gabi's in hospital,"

"Awh man, really? Sleeping?"


"Bless her,"

"We wanted to know if you wanted to grab food here?" Calum asked.

"I ate earlier but I will get a drink with you guys for sure. Maybe Ash is around?"

"He is in surgery,"

"Ah. What is Gabi here for?"

"Chest infection," I mumbled, following them to the canteen, "Throwing up blood,"

"Oh shit,"

"Yeah. She had to have a camera shoved down her throat still fucking awake,"

"Huh? What?"

"She was heavily sedated," Calum said, "Come on, mate, you need something to eat,"

"Get off me,"

"Okay, I am sorry,"

I stopped walking, both of them immediately stopping too, turning to face me. I could feel the tears threatening to spill over, and bit my cheek, looking between them both.

"I just had to watch them do that to my six year old kid, who is about the size of a three year old. I don't need food I need her to get better,"

"And she needs her dad to be well fed, and well slept,"

"I need to get her better,"

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"Stay with her,"

"All day and all night? No toilet break, no food, no sleep?"



"It sounds to me like you have both had a very tough evening," Michael said, pulling me into a hug, "And I think you need to eat, and then go back to her room and get a good nights sleep,"


"Gabi will be okay. The best thing you can do is try not to make anything in this visit negative, even if it is. Kids notice when you are anxious,"

"I am trying,"

"I know. She will be back to school is no time,"

"Oh crap, we have some fresh food. Can one of you go round at some point and freeze what you can?"

"I will do it," Calum said, "I will go and do it tomorrow,"

There was decent choice, then we found a table and I began to eat, realising how hungry I really was. Once I had eaten my food like it was about to disappear, I rested back with my hand on my stomach.

"Are you gonna work tomorrow?"

"I can't,"

"She will be well looked after. Go to the ER, get busy... get some money," Mike said, rubbing my arm.

"Fucking need the money,"

I laughed, then started to choke up, and he hugged me again.

"Never, ever let yourself struggle on your own. I have said it a million times before, if it is easier to move in with me, split all the bills and stuff, then we can do that. Just while you get on your feet,"

"It's okay,"

"The offer is always there. We are your friends, we are here to help, no matter what it is,"

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