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"Fucking pick up," I shouted, throwing my phone with frustration. No one was answering me, not even my mum.


"Yes darling?"

"I wanna go to bed,"

"Okay. Let's brush your teeth,"

"No bath?"

"Not tonight,"

I swooped her up and showered her face with kisses, making her giggle, then put her down and got her toothbrush. I brushed her teeth, then changed her into pyjamas and tucked her in with all her teddies.

"I want to read my own book tonight,"

"Okay. One chapter,"

"Do you not know how to fix our problem?"

"I will fix it. Just keep it between me and you, okay?"


"I love you so, so much,"

"I am a bit worried because you are sad,"

"I can never be too sad if you're around,"

She smiled, and I kissed her forehead, passing her the book.

"See you in the morning,"

I heard my phone ringing, so shut her door, picking up the call from Michael. Between her room and walking to mine, every anxious feeling in my body had returned, and I literally wretched as I answered the call.

"Luke? Is everything okay? 17 missed calls?"

"It's not okay,"

"What is going on?"

"We are being evicted,"

"Oh Luke... oh man, I am so sorry. How long have you got?"

"Two weeks. I am never gonna find anywhere as cheap as this, because this is a shit hole. We are gonna be homeless, Mike,"

"You are not going to be homeless. We are going to help you find a place, or you will be moving in with me. You know I have offered that before,"

"I can't put you through that, Michael,"

"Our Gabi is an angel. I would be delighted to live with my two best friends,"

"I can't believe this is happening,"

"Would you like me to come over?"

"No, I just got her to bed. But thank you,"

"We are gonna help you out. Even if you come here temporarily, until somewhere comes up. Save a bit on food and energy bills yeah?"

"I can't. I owe you all so much already,"

"You can't owe me anything if you're dead, Luke,"

I laid down on my bed, choking on my tears as quietly as possible.

"I just, I work so hard. I am a fricking doctor, I look after my kid, and I can't seem to hack it. This is shit, and now you guys have to deal with me,"

"Stop talking about us like we don't want to help you. You did a shit ton for me during med school, Luke. I would not have gotten through without you. It is your turn to need help, and one day, Cal is gonna need help, and Ash is gonna need help, and you wont even bat an eye because thats what friends do,"

"Can I really come and stay with you?"

"Yes. Pack your bags and get here tonight for all I care! I would love to have you guys here, and we will figure out splitting costs in a way that works for us both,"

dreaming // 5sosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora