Chapter 36: Godzilla vs Gamera

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"SSSSHHHHRRRREEEEOOOOONNNNGGGGTTT!" Godzilla roared in the devastation, assuming victory.

"Jesus Christ!" Mineta exclaimed in absolute fear of the monster.

"Yep, that turtle's cooked!" Kaminari grinned.

"Are you sure about that, Jamming Yey?" Jiro raised an eyebrow at him.

The fire suddenly began to dissipate as it swirled around the now-standing Gamera, absorbing the fire into him.

"Oh, yeah, forgot about that," Nejire tilted her head.

"DAMMIT! TAPE DUNCEHEAD'S MOUTH SHUT BEFORE HE JINXES GODZILLA ANY FURTHER!" Bakugou yelled, rushing and restraining Kaminari for Sero to tape his struggling mouth shut.

Glowing in the aftermath of his fire absorption, the Earth's Guardian fired off a fireball onto Godzilla's head, stunning the titanic Kaiju. Gamera fired two more in quick succession fireballs, all striking Godzilla's face, staggering him back as he fell onto his knees from the onslaught.

"With such amount of fire consumed, Gamera was able to fire multiple fireballs in quick succession, likely from an excess of mana," Endeavor analyzed.

"And with how they were able to stagger Godzilla back to his knees, they must have been quite powerful," Edgeshot nodded.

Godzilla got right back and let out a short growl, still willing and able to fight. Striking the ground with his tail twice, Godzilla jumped and sailed toward Gamera with a physics-defying drop kick, his tail dragging across the ground.

"He's actually trying to drop-kick him!" Pixie Bob cackled.

"Honestly, this shouldn't be possible with his tail dragging across the ground like that," Midnight reasoned, suppressing a giggle.

"Who cares?! This is both hilarious and awesome!" Mic exclaimed.

"Present Mic," Jiro groaned, pressing on her earmuffs again.

"S-Sorry, little listener," Yamada apologized.

Gamera attempted to back up from such a sudden and fast-approaching attack but to no avail. Godzilla struck and then landed on him, bringing him down by his massive weight. Godzilla jumped off him, turning in mid-air before slamming him into the ground again.

"He's using his larger size and weight to his advantage," Momo deduced. "He is probably trying to bury him further into the ground so he can't escape."

Godzilla roared into the air, lifting his foot up and prepared to stomp down on his fallen foe again. In response, Gamera retracted his head into his shell, Godzilla striking the ground instead.

"H-He's using his anatomy to avoid Godzilla's attack even while unable to move," Koda smiled.

"Turtle power!" Kirishima and Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

Godzilla turned his head in confusion. He began to back up when Gamera's shell began to light up with his thrusters and spin, hovering up into the air. Godzilla roared after Gamera while he flew across the sky. Losing sight of him, Godzilla was struck from behind by the spinning shell of the flying Kaiju.

Godzilla roared as the rain began to pour and lightning struck down in the background. His dorsal fins glowing, Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath at beam his flying opponent, multiple times, all of which failed to hit the aerial target.

"Gamera is using his greater speed and flight to his advantage," Tokoyami nodded, approving. "While Godzilla wastes his energy trying to fire at a fast, aerial target, Gamera can circle strike at him just as quick from any angle."

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