Bolin: Used to.

Lin: It's not his silver tongue, I can tell you that.

Said Lin before she and Toph walked over to the Bison.

Bolin: Please tell me this attitude isn't hereditary.

Opal: Grandma, this is Juicy.

Toph: And I thought Appa was smelly. Why would you choose this leaky, nasty thing?

Opal: You don't choose your Bison; he chooses you, and once he chooses you, you can't change. Believe me, I checked.

we then cut to republic city with Raiko relaying to Korra, Asami, Mako, Tenzin, Varrick and Wu the kind of measures already taken to safeguard the city against and asks Asami and Varrick what they designed to aid the defensive efforts. Asami unfolds the blueprint she is holding, though before she can expand on its design, Varrick enthusiastically reveals the machine to be a flying , which can take off vertically and fly in any direction. Unimpressed, Raiko asks how the spirit ray is incorporated into the design, to which Varrick bitterly retorts that the machine does not have one, reiterating his belief that the technology should not be used by anyone at all. Raiko, angrily slamming his hands on his desk, demands that Varrick and Asami create spirit weapons to use against Kuvira, since she will use such weapons against them. Korra supports Varrick's decision and informs the President that the harvesting of the spirit vines in the was what caused the to kidnap citizens in the first place. Raiko suggest that Korra, considering she is the bridge between the two worlds, harvests the vines herself. She refuses but offers to try convincing some of the spirits to at least help protect the city, and Raiko relents. With battle plans taking shape, Wu suggests that the citizens of Republic City be evacuated elsewhere, to keep them out of harm's way if a conflict would arise in the city, and Raiko orders him to coordinate with the police department on the operation. The president dismisses everyone, requesting daily updates on their assigned operations.

The group then exits the room with Korra and Tenzin running into Free.

Free: Yo, what did I miss?

Tenzin: Why didn't you come In the conference room?

Free: I didn't feel like dealing with the stupid president. So, what did I miss?

Korra: We decided to try convincing the spirits to help us while Asami and Varrick work on the suits and Wu and Mako evacuate the citizens. I'm gonna need your help; let's go.

Free: Aye-Aye Captian.

We then cut Kuvira's army camp with Baatar Jr. ordering his team to test the power core of the spirit energy cannon, making sure everything will be in order for the real demonstration the following day in Kuvira's presence. With the energy capsule in place, initializes phase one but soon reports on a problem with the condenser. She attempts to power the machine down but fails to override the system. Baatar Jr. orders everyone to evacuate, as the cannon is about to explode. Despite Zhu Li's warnings that they too should leave, he reaches into the machine and pulls out a part of its circuitry, effectively powering it down. Baatar Jr. notices that the channeling ring is cracked and alerts the rest of the team that the broken part caused the cannon to overload. Furious about the near-failure of their weapon, he yells that they will spend the remainder of their time taking apart the massive cannon to check everything

We then cut to Lui who was watching the experiment go wrong.

Luinor: 'So, when do you plan to leave?'

Lui: ' Tomorrow, I need to save my family, and I'm pretty sure Zhu Li will get caught, so I plan to grab her too.'

Luinor: I see 

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