Tripping over my own feet, I stumbled onto Liam's porch. It hurt like hell, but I pushed myself to my feet and began to rapidly knock at Liam's front door. I knew for sure that Niall was here since the car that he was using--that was Liam's--was here along with Niall's car as well.

Finally, someone opened the door. It was a girl. It had to have been Liam's girlfriend. What was her name? Sophie? Cindy? No, I think it was Sophia or something along the lines of that. She had said hello and let me in.

"Where's Niall?" I asked without realizing that he was sitting on the couch with Liam.

"Hello, Harry," Liam said with a smile.

"Yeah, hello..." I walked over to Niall and stood in front of him, "Please...please let me explain..."

Niall looked at Liam then at me. He stood up from the couch and pulled me into the hall. We were away from Liam and Sophia, but they could still hear us.

"Start talking, Harry."

His voice was cold and it hurt. And to top it off, he folded his arms over his chest and stared at me.

"He kissed me, Niall. He fucking kissed me. Never in a million years would I ever want to kiss him. I'm with you and only you! I would never kiss him on purpose! Y-you gotta believe me!"

Niall looked at his feet then back at me

"I know what I saw, Harry..."

"Goddammit, Niall!" I ran my hands through my hair, "Why don't you believe me?! I don't love him. I love you! I want you! I want only you! You make me happy...more happy than anyone has in my entire life. You are my everything and I wouldn't waste that all away by kissing someone that wasn't you!" He went to open his mouth but I kept talking. "No, shut up, Niall..."

I heard Liam and Sophia gasp from the living room. Yeah, I know it was rude but I needed to get out what I needed to.

"He came into my house uninvited..."

"And why didn't you push him right back out the door?!"

I flinched and even let out a little gasp.

"I-I...I don't know, but I know I should--"

"Yes you fucking should have, Harry! You should have kicked his ass out of the house! And why didn't Molly attack him? Where was she?!"


"There you go not knowing!"


Before Niall could speak again, Liam spoke up.

"Alright! Alright! I've had enough of this yelling and screaming at each other!" He walked over to us, grabbed our arms and pulled us down the hall and into a bedroom. He shoved us both inside then closed the door leaving me and Niall alone in the bedroom. "Until you two can calm the fuck down, forgive each other and make up, I'm not unlocking this door."

I looked at Niall as he rolled his eyes.

"You're bluffing," Niall said as he tried to open the bedroom door but it wouldn't budge, "Well fuck."

"Liam?" I asked, trying to sound innocent.

"Yes?" he replied

"Can you please unlock the do--"


I scrunched up my face.

"But I gotta pee."

I heard Liam chuckle. I really did need to pee and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate if I had an accident on his carpet.

"You can hold it."

Married to Styles (Sequel to Working for Styles)Where stories live. Discover now