Friendship Lasts Lifetimes

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The feeling of the grass has been itching Leafy's feet. Her body and her brain begged her to run away back to Yoyleland to be forgotten for good. The feeling of walking into the main area gives Leafy the hallucination of rotting. A couple of objects follow her in hopes of finding something. A clue. A hint. Something to explain her weird behavior.

If she could tell them to fuck off, she would. But with her current popularity, she can't be acting like a bitch. Otherwise...that dream...

For a dream, it's pretty unrealistic. Why would Firey try to be nice to her? To get her trust only to stab her behind the back at the end of it all? Leafy's not gonna trust that. It's not like he was any good to her anyway. 

She stops midway through her thought process when she sees Pin with her hands scrunched up on the top of the Losers cabin. Leafy tilts her head confusingly before walking her way to Pin. She sits next to Pin and awkwardly looks around.

"Huh..? Leafy?" Pin turns towards the green female. Leafy chuckles awkwardly before waving at her. Pin sighs before smiling back. Leafy's crooked grin drops a little along with her eyebrows creasing with concern. She walks towards the thumbtack and sits herself next to her.

"You alright? You looked like you hadn't had your usual eight hours of sleep." Leafy pointed out. Pin sighs before laying her head on Leafy's lap. Before Leafy could question her, the girl broke down. Tears run from the corner of her eyes towards Leafy's legs. The leaf rubs her head while shushing her quietly. 

"You're okay,'s okay..." Leafy hushes as the girl on her lap continues bawling. 

Leafy and Pin stay like that for a while before Pin's shrieks of hurt turn into occasional sniffles and sighs. Leafy looks down and notices Pin's red eyes and runny nose. She picks up Pin and smiles. 

"I am here for you for whatever you need Pin...okay?" Leafy smiles. Pin sniffles before smiling. She then pulls Leafy in for a tight and loving hug. Leafy reciprocates the action and hugs her back with just as much affection. A few seconds after, Pin pulls back with a smile. 

"Okay. I'll tell you what has to do with Coiny." Pin said while rubbing her thumbs on the palm of Leafy's hands. Leafy nods with understanding while smiling. Pin sighs.

"So...this all happened last night. I was thinking of Coiny know how we aren't necessarily 'lovers' but," 

"Talking stage?" Leafy interrupts. The corners of Pin's mouth turn upward while nodding. 

"Yeah! Exactly like that! Anyways, yeah. I was actually talking to the Losers about it know how Needle's on that team, right?" Pin said. Leafy sighs while rolling her eyes.

"Needle...even with a changed personality, the moment it's about Coiny, she's all head over heels for him. I get it." Leafy sighs. Pin chuckles while nodding. 

"Yeah. Suuuper crazy, right? Well anyways, I had the confidence to...tell them. Coiny was out doing God knows what, so I thought it'd be the perfect chance to clear anything up..." Pin said. She looks down with an unhappy look. Leafy leans in with a smile.

"And let me guess...Needle overreacted and wanted to beat your ass up because 'coins and pins don't relate'?" Leafy said. Pin looks at Leafy's eyes and smiles.

"Close. She actually reacted very well...! She was the most supportive in the group out of everybody! If was..." Pin sighs before continuing.

"It was Clock..." Pin's expression softens. Leafy gasps while covering her mouth.

"No way are you telling me that Clock likes Coiny!" Leafy said in disbelief. And to her surprise, Pin nods. Leafy's expression crunches up. 

"What the hell?? Since when did Clock like Coiny!?" Leafy asked. Pin shrugged before tearing up again.

"So when I told everyone, he gave me a disgusted look while obviously hiding it from everyone else. And when everyone left, he pulled me aside and told me that if I even had a chance with him that...that my chance with Coiny is smaller than Coiny's brain himself." Pin covers her face before crying again. Leafy hugs her again while rubbing her back.

'Damn. Double roast be crazy...' Leafy thought. She continues comforting her while sympathizing for her upsetting moment.

"Well hey...not to sound like a Needle, but personally? I don't think Clocks and Coins go together more than pins and coins. You know the saying? The saying of like...pins and coins stabbing at a human's feet?" Leafy said in hopes of cheering her friend up. Pin smiles. 

"It's 'pins and needles', but that works too, you know?" Pin smiles. Leafy widens her arms in excitement.

"Exactly! You and Coiny are made for each other! Actually, I noticed that he's becoming a lot like you...taking on leadership like how you would back in BFDI days!" Leafy smiles. Pin agrees with her while giggling. Leafy sighs before rubbing Pin's back comfortingly.

"Don't worry, Pin. He is the one for you. I've seen how much more confident you got in yourself because of him. He changes you just as much as you change him. That's the first thing that needs to come in a relationship, right? The want to change...for the better. And right now, you two are on the right path for each other." Leafy said. Pin sighs before hugging Leafy.

"Damn...since when did you give such good advice..?" Pin asked. Leafy chuckles before hugging back.

"Time changes character, you know?" Leafy said with a smile. 


Firey hangs a painting on the wall with a smile. Eggy was walking past before catching interest on Firey's activity. She leans back before walking towards Firey. 

"Whatcha doing over there, Firey?" Eggy asked. Firey hummed before showing Eggy the painting he hung up.

"Ooh! It's a picture of the hotel! Right?" Eggy asked. Firey clicks his tongue.

"Bingo." Firey said before sighing. 

"Damn, Firey. Never knew you were this artistic! Since when did you learn all of this?" Eggy asked. Firey smiles before crossing his arms.

"All because of a girl...she's the reason to why I...well...look at nature a bit differently nowadays..." Firey smiles before his face turns slightly pink.

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