Too Sweet, Too Salty ~ CH.6

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Leafy's popularity has skyrocketed by then. She was genuinely loved and cared for. She also got a general grasp of everyone's likes and dislikes along with hobbies and skills. She would sum it up, but she currently is hanging out with a couple of The Losers. 

Out of all eight of the teams, The Losers seemed to welcome her easily. She found it weird because Firey was one of the members of the team. He would've told them the dangers of Beep and to not trust any of the members. Leafy doesn't know Firey's scheme, but whatever it was wasn't for her benefit. 

Although she had doubtful thoughts about trusting The Losers, Pin, and Coiny have especially made her feel at home. Eventually, all of The Losers excluding Firey accepted her presence. One team became two, and two teams became all eight. Leafy's also gained some recognition and forgiveness from the other characters that showed. She's grateful for their forgiveness. 

She loves how funny they can be. When they make fun of each other for their color or their thickness. She loved being the example of what to look for in a girl. She loved being told that she was really pretty even though her eyebags and drowsiness were major points deducted. She loved being the example of what you should think about.

She loved being told that her personality was weird back then. She loves being the example of what not to look for in a girl. She loves it. She loves all this recognition. But was all of this recognition worth being bullied? But if she decides to stand up for herself...

The images showed up. Being beaten to death laughed at for the hole she had in her stomach, and stared at like she deserved to be. The images of the dark sky looming over the contestant's heads and the images and feel of the unreasonably black and burnt grass clippings. Does she want that? 

So she stays. She smiles through the pain with little to no reaction at all. The characters would point at her with a mocking looks. Once they all looked, they would all cackle and lean forward while holding their stomachs. Leafy would also awkwardly laugh. Apparently to them, it was fun when they couldn't speak up.

"Guys literally stop! You're all being so mean.." Said one pom pom looking character. All of them knew that they were being mean, but Leafy's Leafy. She can take anything with a grain of salt. The pom pom character rests her arm on her friend's shoulder and leaned forward while wheezing. Leafy chuckled awkwardly as well. Leafy kept looking towards the sky.

The sky would always give her a sense of belonging. She doesn't understand why, but out of all the components of the sky, she felt very close to the stars. Whenever she needed a place to look or go to, the stars would be there for her to talk about anything. They won't respond, so what's the harm of telling them a couple of her struggles? She can talk about how she struggled with her team through the past couple of challenges or the friends she's having a struggle keeping or the fact that she uses pills illegally.

She would feel happy whenever the stars came out. They were like her blanket of protection. She can just stay up and talk to them without being afraid of someone deciding to be nosy. They would all be asleep. Leafy felt safe with the stars.

"Sorry guys, but I gotta go..." Leafy said. No one batted an eye. Leafy smiles awkwardly. Does she go, or not? Five minutes pass before she decided to sneakily walk away. Was that how people felt about her still? Why would they not care about her? She's been nice. She's been doing the steps perfectly. So why was she still looked at as a punching bag?

 She walked towards the forest grounds as the pills begin to wipe off her forced smile. She looks down at the green and silky grass. She sighs. 

Once she got to her iconic stump, she leans on it and looks upward in thought. This tree was once the biggest tree out of all of the smaller ones. Now it's one of the weakest and smallest ones. Its head and body were chopped off and taken to who knows where. Now it's a sad and lonely stump with nothing to protect and cover. On rainy days, its brown and circular top takes in the cold rain. On sunny days it takes the heat rays. Leafy wonders how its wooden stump isn't wearing out already.

She eventually fell asleep with a feeling of bittersweetness. She dreamt of all the sweet comments she got. She was dreaming of how much everyone loved her. Recovery centers were a thing back then. When everyone voted for her to take the boot when it came to the finale, her first thought was 'They don't know what I'm worth. They suck.'. Eventually, she was told that she would not be given Dream Island. Anger that she didn't know existed showed up.

"Well if I won't be given Dream Island, I'll buy it instead." She said. She was calling the announcer all of a sudden. She attempted to stop herself from calling, but she couldn't move anything but her thoughts saying 'Stop it! Stop it!' which were ignored. 

Everything moved in a flash by then. Flying on the glider with Firey who said that friendship's more important than being just, being chased into the Evil Leafy Forest by people who she thought were her friends, teleporting to the purple land with endless bushes of Yoyleberries, and staying there and becoming metal and mentally insane. 

Although the scenarios went by quickly, the faces and thoughts of the other contestants' slowed. Slow enough to let Leafy hear just what they thought of her and torment her. She knew well that she didn't deserve their forgiveness, but even she knew that she didn't deserve this torment. What did her mind want her to do? Walk off a cliff? She's only gonna be recovered sooner or later only to go through it again.

She wants this to end. Why is this dream longer than five minutes? It's only supposed to last less than 3 minutes. Why is it showing so early and quickly? She wants this to end. She knows she doesn't deserve all of this. She knows. Why do they have to keep reminding her? She doesn't deserve it. She's only trying to change. Why are they trying to make her think she can't? Why? Why?

Leafy woke up in fear. The sun was only rising now while the rest of the area was engulfed by the darkness the moon provided. She looks around for a quick second before realizing where she was. She sighed while picking herself up.

"Time to get ready.." Leafy said. Before walking to the competition grounds, she grabs her water bottle and three pills. She shoves them down her throat and watches the scenery unfold while waiting for the pills to start their work. She eventually feels the iconic headache signaling the many negative hormones to get lost for the day. She smiles happily as she began walking towards competing grounds. She finds everyone in their teams eating breakfast or whatever they found. 

Leafy walks towards the bathroom shed where there was food aligning the side of the fence. Fish, steak, vegetables, mashed potatoes, and cake. Leafy decided to go for the fish and mashed potatoes and decided to take some cake. Before walking to her team of Losers, she scarves the cake down her throat. She can taste its sweet, vanilla flavor, yet it also had another flavor to it. She couldn't put her finger on it. She couldn't care less about it anyways. 

She eventually finds the team Losers and walks towards them with her empty plate of cake and her fish and potatoes. She sits on the next empty spot next to Loser and sadly Firey. She awkwardly eats while observing the team and their interactions.

They all knew Loser and Cake would be flirting and having fun with each other while Clock attempted to butt into their conversations, Eggy and Needle were also chatting away about whatever they were thinking about. She also senses another couple coming up. She looks across from her and notices Coiny and Pin being a lot more flirtatious amongst each other. Leafy smiles happily before continuing to eat her breakfast.

Eventually Breakfast ended. Leafy walks up towards Pin and Coiny. 

"Hey love birds~.." Leafy said while jokingly wiggling her eyebrows. Coiny turns red before turning his head to the side embarrassingly. Pin looks at him with a look of infatuation.

"Yeah...this silly goose asked me out the other day." Pin responded. She then kisses Coiny's head lovingly. He looks at Pin with a goofy look. His smile wriggles it's way to his face. He goes on his toes and kisses Pin's forehead.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are such a cute couple! Congrats!" Leafy stated while smiling at the couple with glee. Coiny and Pin gave their thanks to Leafy before walking away with each other.

Huh. Maybe Leafy knows what was in that cake. What made it taste so salty in some bites? What did Four do to this cake? Or was this Firey? Whichever it was, it felt like a plot. Like someone was meant to do that. She decided to keep the thought to herself. Not like anyone would think someone would plot something against her. She's a sweetheart with a salty taste to herself.

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