I love her, I love her not

317 9 50

The feeling of the grass beneath her feet is gone. She doesn't even know what conversation the objects in the group are having next. Something about how cats eat kibble? And a piece of kibble worrying about it...she could hear nothing but muffling, and she didn't even know where it was coming from.

Her friends? Or her head...or maybe it's the outside conversations going on amongst others.

Her eyes begin to droop. It's boring once you get used to seeing swirls within your vision. But these visions are more visible and she's been enduring them for quite some time now. Usually, they'd last about five minutes after drinking some water, but this time she ran out of her once-filled bottle. 

"H-hey...sorry guys I...I might need to leave...real quick..." Leafy said with an unusually heavy smile. Some girls hummed in response while most didn't even realize she was there. She pulled up a thumbs up before slowly walking away. 

The grass has a weird pattern and texture. For some reason, it felt less spiky and easier to walk on. Its wetness disappeared and so did the trees. She looks around some more only to find certain things fading away to black. 

"Hello..? Is anybody here?" Leafy asked. She timidly closes in on herself. Did it suddenly turn to nighttime? Usually, Four would let the cycle happen. Did he have to test-run something? 

Her thoughts were tracked to the side the moment she felt something crawling out of her throat. She stops walking and her legs collapse on her weak body. Her torso was slumped over as she uncovered her mouth to vomit whatever it was that was stuck in her mouth.

A few minutes of retching and out came a pill. The pill she took a couple of minutes ago. What the hell? She thought she washed it down with water. 

She then continued retching out the itchy feeling that was still in her mouth to find three more pills. The ones she took the night before. 

Then more came out. Some from a month ago, others from six. She looks down in horror at the splatter of bloody pills, some not even fully digested yet. She picks herself up and looks down with shaky hands.

"What..? What is...what is this..?" Leafy asked no one in particular. She looked down again to make sure that what she was seeing wasn't an illusion. There were twice the amount of pills that appeared than when she last saw them. She backs away in confusion.

"What..? When did..." Before Leafy could question anything anymore, pills continued appearing, some colored yellow and some pink. Leafy started to shake as her body was too weak to hold her weight. She tripped over a stone and fell on her butt. The number of pills kept increasing as she began closing her eyes.

"No, no, no!" Leafy shrieks while bunching up her hair. No matter how tight she closed her eyes, she could still see the pills she took.

"Stop! Stop!" She screamed. 

Before anything else happened, Leafy woke up to the feeling of pain on her cheek. She gasps audibly before rubbing her right cheek. She looks around with a confused look and finds the people she was originally talking to along with Firey, Coiny, and Pin.

She's been seeing that trio more recently. it's as if they're stalking her. She hopes that that wasn't the case because at this point she doesn't know if she'll be sane by the end of this competition. 

"Hello? Leafy!?" Firey said with a smile. Leafy looks up at him with a wobbly smile as she waves.

"Uhh...hey?" Leafy said confusingly.

"What~? Is Firey caring for Leafy now? That's a start. What happened to not giving two craps, shits, and fucks about her, Firey?" A girl from the crowd, most likely Book, snuck in.

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