Repression ~ CH. 1

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The game ended with team Free Food getting the boot for elimination. Leafy was grateful that her team was safe. She did everything she can to redeem herself to her team. Helping more, making small talk, apologizing greatly for small mistakes, everything. Even though her team looked like they appreciated the more helpful and assertive Leafy for this episode, she felt like she didn't redeem herself. Her thoughts pushed her back to that nightmare she had a few hours ago.

"Leafy..?" Pin says while waving a hand in front of Leafy's face for a quick second. Leafy shakes her head a little before looking up at the girl above her. 

She hates you.

Leafy could see the glare he held tightly next to Lollipop's irritated look. She can remember how he looked when he talked to the others about her while being crushed to death. She can remember his laughing at one of the contestants' jokes about her. She remembers. With the memory of the girl's disgusted look, she whines a little before closing in on herself. She pushes her light head into her knees.

"I'm sorry..." Leafy murmured. Pin looked at her with confusion.

"What?" Pin asked. Leafy sighs into her knees, the cool oxygen coming out of her mouth and running down her legs and out of the open holes there were. After a few seconds of contemplation, she looks up at Pin and smiles.

"Sorry. Did you need something?" Leafy asked with a small smile. Uncertain, Pin looks her up and down in worry. 

"Uhm yeah...just wanted to see're okay?" Pin asked. She hopes Leafy is doing okay. If she wasn't, Pin wouldn't know what to do. Talk to her? Comfort her? Sure, they had an alliance and were friends back when they were fighting for BFDI, but even then, they weren't that close. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," Leafy said while shaking her head slowly with a grin. However, Pin could hear the uncertainty in Leafy's voice. She wanted to believe it so badly, but she couldn't leave Leafy with the fact that she told her 'I'm sorry' out of the blue and with the answer sounding like a question. Pin sits down with Leafy and places her hand on Leafy's.

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything. No judgment and all." Pin promised. Leafy wished she could tell her. She wanted to tell Pin about her silly nightmare in hopes she can reassure Leafy that not all of them thought that way. And even if some did, they weren't important anyways. 

"Yeah...I'm fine." Leafy said with more confidence. Pin creases her eyebrows in worry. She wanted to make sure she was okay, but if she did ask again then it would've annoyed the girl and made her push Pin away. Pin sighs before standing on her two feet.

"Alright...if you say so. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me or Coiny, okay?" 

"You got it!" Leafy smiled. Pin smiles back with a look Leafy knew wasn't convincing. Pin walks away which gave Leafy the chance to sigh. Each word she told Pin weighed her heart plenty. She didn't want to lie, but if she didn't then how would they comfort her? If she told them that the nightmare she had was about them not caring about her, how would they comfort her with the hard truth?

Why were they being so nice anyways? She took away their freedom, their Luxury, and their time to bond and have fun with the other objects. She doesn't deserve them, even their forgiveness she knew she couldn't take without a knife at her throat ready to slice at any minute.

She knew damn well that they deserve to see her burn alive by Firey.


"Did you ask her?" Asked Coiny while Pin walked over to sit next to him. She sighed before shaking her head in guilt.

"She wouldn't break. I asked if she was sure and I guess she is. She sounded more confident when I asked again." Pin sighs. She tiredly sat down on the patch of grass next to Coiny. Coiny looks at Pin and sighs. He places a hand on hers out of comfort.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine..." Coiny looks down at the grass with an anxious and concerned look. With each second passing by came a thought. Maybe he wasn't doing enough as a friend, maybe she really isn't fine. Maybe she's angry towards them as a group. Pin notices how nervous he looked and she smiled. Pin pulls Coiny towards herself and hugs him.

"Do you wanna hang out with the others?" Pin asks. Coiny shyly hugs back while shaking his head 'no' in response. Pin breathes out an 'ok' before hugging Coiny tighter.

"You just wanna stay here?" Pin asked some more. Coiny nodded her head. Pin hums in response.



"Tic Tac Toe?" Pin confirms. Coiny smiles while looking up at Pin.

"Know me way too well, dude." Coiny said. Pin smiles.

"That's what friends are for, y'know?" Pin said. Coiny chuckles before unlatching himself from Pin. The other does the same thing and picked herself up, leaving a hand out for Coiny.

"Let's find some sticks and a spot to play, okay?" Pin says. However, when she looked at Coiny, he had a look of worry to him. He was looking at the spot where Leafy is currently. Pin looks towards her and notices how unusual she was acting. She had an aura that felt as if your puppy got ran over.

"I don't wanna leave her alone. I feel like she's gonna do something to herself..." Coiny reasons. Pin sighs in agreement before looking back at Coiny.

"We can bring her with us?" Pin asks. Coiny smiles at the idea and nods. Pin smiles. She walks with Coiny to invite Leafy to their small hangout.


"Is this even a good idea..? They say hiding your emotions will just make it worse. Maybe I should tell them...but worrying them will not only be unhelpful and stressful, but who honestly cares anyways..?" Leafy mumbled to herself. Maybe she did the wrong thing and she should've told Pin instead. But then again, she and Leafy weren't as close. 

"Hey Leafy..." Says Pin. Leafy freeze on the spot. She tries to wipe off as much of her tears as she could before looking up and finding both Pin and Coiny in front of her. She smiles with no source of happiness streaming through her cheekbones or her eyes.

"We were wondering if you wanted to play Tic Tac Toe with us? We know it's your specialty and Loser isn't with us today. He's pretty busy with the others.." Coiny said, but they all knew too well that Loser was never busy for anyone let alone his teammates. But Leafy appreciated the attention.

"Sure." Leafy says while smiling. She stands up and walks with the other two. She hopes that maybe some entertainment could finally take this off of her mind. She hopes it does. 

Would it be better if they don't know..? saves everyone from the trouble anyways.

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