Much Needed Reassurance

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Leafy sits on the floor awkwardly. She looks down at the floor admiring its glimmer rather than the person in front of her.

Firey, sitting on the bed, had his arms crossed and a spiteful expression. He was tapping his foot on the ground rhythmically while Leafy awkwardly fiddled with her skin. She smiled at him before picking herself up.

"I'm gonna head out. I have to do something back at home...

"I can walk you home if you an apology for...whatever happened back there" Firey offered while standing up as well. However, Leafy waved her hand.

"No no. I'll be fine. Thanks though! I'll see you around I guess?" Leafy said before walking out. Before Firey could get to her, Leafy shut the door on him. He cursed to himself before threading his hands through his flames. He then starts to punch his pillow out of anger and frustration before faceplanting in said pillow.

"I can't believe it. I did all of this for her and...and it's like she isn't grateful for it! I risked everything for her and she just walks away!? Just like that!?" Firey shrieks. Eventually he got over his temper tantrum and left the cabin to get to the area before the next challenge. 

Once he got to the main area it took all his willpower not to look at Book who was glancing at him every couple of seconds and to not look for the missing frond. 

Four and X, after coming to the area looking heated and sweaty, announced that they would need to take a day off as to build another cabin for some personal reasons. The contestants didn't know what, but they couldn't care less. Well, all except for Coiny, Pin, and Firey. 

Firey walks over to Coiny and Pin with a worried glance while they looked at him with annoyance.

"Guys is Leafy okay? Have you seen her anywhere?" Firey asked. Coiny clicks his tongue before turning away. Pin looks at him with a worried glance before sighing. She then looks at Firey with a disappointed look.

"We...don't know where she is. Haven't seen her since-" 

"Since she stayed in that cabin." Coiny spat with an irritated sound. Pin rubs Coiny's shoulder comfortingly before pulling him close to her.

"I think it's best to...leave us alone for now...look for Coiny and let us...let me know." Pin said with a smile. Firey looks at Pin and Coiny with confusion before muttering a 'whatever' and walking away. 

"Coiny..." Pin said with a sad sound. 

"What, Pin?" Coiny huffed angrily. He had his arms crossed and his face turned away from Pin. She pulls him closer and turns his head to face hers.

"Why are you acting like that...I understand he hurt you, but you can't hold this grudge forever..." Pin said with a sad look. Coiny blushes a little at the close contact with her and pushes himself away.

"But he was about to say some personal things in front of you and Leafy..." Coiny reasoned. He rubs his arms with a feeling of anger boiling in his skin at the thought of the scenario.

Why would Firey say that in front of Pin? He knew about Coiny's crush on Pin. He knew that he didn't feel ready to take the next step when it comes to her. He knew every insecurity and boast that talks about Pin. So why would he say something like that in front of the girl he's been daydreaming of?

"I understand how you feel..." Pin empathized with Coiny. When Coiny looked back at her, he noticed her gloomy look. His heart melted at the look as he goes up to her and hugs her.

"I'm sorry Pin. I didn't mean to act like that..." Coiny said before hugging Pin. That was enough for her to start sobbing onto Coiny's shoulders. Coiny rubs her back and pets her hair while shushing Pin comfortingly. 

"It's okay...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I won't act like that anymore, okay?" Coiny reassures Pin. He looks back at Pin and notices her vulnerable state. He sits himself down and pats the grass next to him with a smile. Pin looks at him before smiling back and sitting next to him. 

"I'm just...I'm worried for Leafy...she's acting like she's fine. Like what we saw back there of her passing out was just...just a fake. When we know it wasn't..." Pin's hands were shaking only to be held by Coiny's. The feeling of his unusually warm hands soothed Pin's oddly cold ones. She looks up at him for a second before continuing with averted eyes.

"That time when she passed out...when clipboard came to us frantically that Leafy...and when we saw her, I...the sight of her...weirdly pale for her usual scared me..." Pin admitted with a heavy heart. Coiny hums to show his attentiveness. 

"I felt useless. I couldn't do anything to help other than hope that she wakes up...what if she dies and it's permanent..?" Pin said worriedly. Coiny nodded with a sad smile. He then holds Pin's cheek. She leans into his touch while putting her hands down the ground.

"I know how it feels like when you say that...but listen, Pin. You are doing enough," Coiny reassured.

"You are helping her the best you can as her friend. And so am I. We are both doing the best we can to help her...okay?" Coiny said. Pin smiles before nodding. 

Coiny sighs before sitting back down on the grass next to Pin. He holds onto Pin's hand that lays on the grass and looks at Pin with a look of infatuation. Pin glances back at him before chuckling.

"What? Is there something on my face? Am I oozing?" Pin asked many questions, yet Coiny shook his head to them all. 

"'re just...I can't believe how good of a friend you are..." Coiny peeped. Pin looks at him and scoffs.

"Please don't be cheesy now, Coiny." Pin said while pushing Coiny away lightly. Dramatically, Coiny falls on the ground with his hands on his chest and head. He groans overdramatically.

"Ahh...Pin's way too strong, even for me! The strongest object between the both of us~" Coiny said sarcastically, earning a slap on the chest from Pin. 

"Don't even!" Pin said as she continued slapping Coiny's torso. Coiny chuckles before picking himself up and pushing Pin's hands away. 

Before Pin could catch herself, Coiny's weight pushes her down on the ground. Coiny looks up at Pin and turns red. Their usual fights never end with Pin on the ground and Coiny on top. This felt...weird...

Coiny clears his throat and sat up from that awkward moment. Pin picks herself up as well while rubbing her neck.

"Uhm...wanna head back to The Losers cabin?" Pin asked with a pink face. Coiny, in an attempt to keep his already flustered look down, nodded with her. Pin picks herself up and takes a hand out for Coiny to take. Coiny smiles before taking her hand and walking back to the cabin. 


"What!? What do you mean you can't replace my pills for this month!?" Leafy shouted to Four who looked unphased.

"I told X to go back to Goiky and get your prescription the other day, but they told me they ran out for the month. You're gonna have to come back for it...I'm sorry, Leafy." Four said with an irritated look. Leafy huffed angrily.

"But they never run out! Why would they only run out now!?" Leafy said angrily. Four shrugged while X stood behind him, shaking with fear. 

If only she came by earlier...Leafy crosses her arms before walking away angrily. Four stares her down before she is out of sight.

"Four...are you sure it's fine lying to her like this..?" X asked. Four looked down at X and nodded.

"I noticed how much more quickly she's been running out of pills. She's been coming every week or two asking for a refill, so I feel like she needs to...stay off of them for now..." Four reasoned. X nodded understandingly.

"TB and GB have the prescribed pills, right?" X asked. Four nodded. 

"They're gonna test it to see what's in it..." Four said with a look.

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