Tension Released

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"So what's up?" Donut asked. He glances at Firey who is sitting next to him under a tree. The burning afternoon killed their eyes and their bodies despite Firey being a literal flame. Firey sighs before turning himself to Donut with a stressed look.

"I'm...confused. About some things...my feelings specifically." Firey said while putting his hand on his chest. His heart was beating at a normal pace, but his face felt higher in temperature and his arms felt weak and shaky. He's glad he's sitting. He does not need another person to find him weird.

"Your feelings? You came to the wrong person then, Firey." Donut said while crossing his arms. Firey looks up at him with a desperate look.

"No no! I'm sure I came to the wrong person! You've practically been in the same situation as me! Just...please help me." Firey said while holding onto Donut's hand. Donut looks down at Firey and sighs before sitting next to him. 

"What is it do you need help with?" he asked. Firey sighs in relief before looking down at his lap. The feeling of guilt and fear eating him up only to spit him out like what's he's about to say.

"I...really like Leafy..." Firey said while looking away from Donut. Donut confusingly looks at him before scoffing.

"Yeah. Okay then, liar." Donut said with a smirk. Firey looks at Donut while shaking his arms.

"I'm genuine! But at the same time, I wanna just strangle her! Kill her because of everything she took away from me...everything that she just...decided she deserved!" Firey ranted while Donut looked up at the sky dully. Firey looks up at him and scoffs.

"Are you even listening..." Firey muttered. He balls himself up and groans in irritation.

"I just...I need your advice. Please." Firey begged. Donut looks at him with disinterest before sighing. he looks down at the soft and luscious grass before looking back up.

"There are tons of things I...used to think of. There were Four and X who suddenly asked for a prize that we all thought you still had back then. Then there was stupid jelly boy which...also caused me even more confusion. I didn't understand what I was feeling back then honestly," Donut said while looking around. He sighs before continuing.

"But...when I was given something to regulate my emotions, like my diary or Barf Bag even...I splurged. I was at first mad at Jelly Boy for being annoying and at some points intolerable, but...somedays I enjoyed his goofiness...and most days I hated Four and X, but for some odd reason, I felt close with them..." Donut said with a smile. All the memories and thoughts of being counseled about his emotions...writing in his diary at some of the worst times...

"When I was given a space to give out all my thoughts, I felt...relieved. Didn't have to worry about those feelings again...of course, everyone has different ways of letting out their emotions and understanding themselves. It's not just one way." Donut said. He looks over at Firey who looks confused and lost. Donut sighs before turning himself to Firey.

"It felt nice letting all that out, right?" Donut said. Firey nods back in response which makes Donut softly chuckle.

"You've had that on your mind often...I could tell because from afar you always looked so stressed out. Especially when the topic's about Leafy herself, huh?" Donut asked. Firey nodded once again with a guilty look on his face. Donut shook his head before smiling.

"In my opinion...I would say to...find an outlet. Something...or someone...to rant to. Talk to your issues about." Donut said with genuine interest. firey hums with a smile.

"Well...thank you for your advice, Donut. I appreciate the help you gave me." Firey finally said. Donut hums back. The two lay back in comfortable silence while looking back up at the sky's sudden change in colors. 


Leafy was walking around in the middle of the night. She couldn't go back to her usual spot at night. She in fact could not go anywhere without an entire crowd following her. 

Apparently there's a rumor going around that she's been taking some pills. Some people found out Leafy's addiction and are currently attempting to look for her. 

She doesn't know where to go. She can't stay in the bathroom forever, The Loser's cabins has tons of people with tons of questions for her along with any other cabins she could go to, and asking Four and X for help is only gonna add more questions to the already spread rumors about her. 

Where could she go? She's hyperventilating at the thought of people finding her with flashlights, questions, and a hell of a crowd recording her every move. She's never liked the attention, yet here she was creating more than what she wanted.

Her legs stop at the sound of a paintbrush frantically being cleaned in a water cup. She looks around confusingly before realizing her surroundings. The cabin area by the basketball hoops. She looks back at it and notices a certain flame by the cabin in his own world just painting on a canvas that wasn't burning in his hands.

Leafy cautiously walks up to him before noticing his exhausted smiling. He clicks his tongue before angrily swishing the paintbrush in the water and adjusting its tip.

"I gotta get a new paintbrush, man..." Firey mumbled. Leafy hides behind a tree near the cabin and watches him with wide eyes and interest. She then notices his tongue sticking out and his paintbrush touching the top of his canvas. She watches him with interest. What is he painting? How long did that painting take him? Since when did he even paint? 

"Done. It's not that bad for my first painting after...a hiatus." Firey chuckles. Leafy peeks her head out the side of the tree and notices Firey walking to the railing of the cabin and notices the painting being placed there to dry. Leafy steps to the cabin curiously before backing up in fear of being noticed by anybody around.

"Hello? Who is that?" Firey asked while he looked around. Leafy's eyes widen in fear.

Shit. Is his hearing that good? There was no way. Before Leafy could admit her nosiness, another object came out of the bushes beside the porch. Leafy shrinks back a little before looking at who it was that was at Firey's porch.

"Book?" Firey asked. Leafy's eyes widen as she covers her mouth. The sickening moment that happened just a week or so ago coming back to taunt at her fragileness.  

"Firey...I know you like Leafy. And I noticed you've recently been...isolating yourself. So I just...I want to be honest with you..." Book said. She looks down at her chest and sighs before grasping onto Firey's hands and smiling nervously.

"Firey. I really really really liked you, but not like that. But I want to at least feel what a real confession should...feel like. So...I like you a lot. I don't know how to do these things, but I hope I'm doing it well." Book admitted while shutting her eyes away.

Leafy cringes at the confession. It could use some work, but she could respect the honesty that Book gave. Firey rubs the back of his neck while giving Book a sad glance.

"I'm sorry...I honestly don't like you back..." Firey admits. Book looks up at him and sighs.

"Oh thank god you don't." Book said before sighing the weight off her chest. Firey smiles before patting her shoulder.

"I'm glad, book. Thank you for being honest with me about that...so if you don't like me, then...do you like anybody?" Firey asked. Book hummed for a little before a sliver of a thought came to mind. She turns pink while smiling awkwardly. Firey whistles before smiling. He then wraps his arm around Book's shoulder before poking her arm.

"You do like someone, don't you? Who is this person if I may, Booky wooky?" Firey asked with a smirk. Book covers her face and whines a little.

"Fineee~ To be honest...Pillow's been lookin' a little...too fine for me...y'know?" Book said with a smile. Firey coos before ruffling Book's hair.

"Book's been crushing on a cutie like Pillow!? Really?!" 

"Stop!" Book whined as she pushes off Firey. She dusts herself off before huffing. She then hugs Firey before sighing.

"Thank you...I really appreciate this, Firey. I hope we can become better friends like this." Book said. Firey pats her back before hugging her and smiling.

"Of course." 

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