It's Your Decision.

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"You do realize that this is bad for you, right?" Donut said while looking down at the crystal-clear water in front of him. The two objects stayed silent for a few minutes before Leafy continued the conversation.

"I know they aren't good for me, but..." Leafy said. She stays speechless once again. Donut decides to take that as a chance to take the pills from her.

He grabs the container of pills and analyzes it for a few minutes. He clicks his tongue before placing it beside him. He then looks at Leafy with a look of sympathy.

"Look. I get that many of the contestants don't like you, and I get that you're trying to get on their good side, but what you're doing can hurt you." Donut reasons, but Leafy could only look down at her hands in guilt and shame. She then sighs heavily.

"I know. It's just that I feel like I...have to. Like I have to make amends. Otherwise something...bad will happen. Happen to me at least." Leafy said while spilling her secret after months of having to keep it to herself. But why was she even trusting Donut with her secrets? What will he do with this information? Will he blackmail her into taking something else? Maybe he'll blackmail her to stop taking the antidepressants. 

"Look. I understand your place. Back in BFDIA, I'm pretty sure most of the viewers hated my...pessimistic self. I felt hopeless that time, because I was the first one eliminated," Donut started. He looks down at his feet that were placed on the grass.

"But that didn't stop me from trying harder in the next season! Now in this season, I'm trying to...think more more positive! I know it's harder said than done, and I understand why you're taking these pills...but that doesn't mean that these pills should be your only life source of happiness. You have to find other outlets too!" Donut reasoned. Leafy could only look at the pastry in awe.

She finds inspiration in his words. She strives to be in his position. She wishes this was as easy as saying it out loud, but it isn't. She admits that she wants to get out of this routine. Months of on-the-edge overdosage and frequent visits to Four have become tiring for her. She feels mentally exhausted and over it. This moment was when she realized that her pills weren't doing their job.

"I...I'll think about it. I'm sorry, but this might be hard for me to do. All this time, the objects here were never a huge fan of mine ever since I stole dream island." Leafy admits. Donut hums attentively. 

"Not only that but especially Firey. I think he hates me to the core. He would talk badly of me in front of my face, try to find the worst in me, and butt into every conversation I'm in! It's as if he wants everyone to see me as the back then Leafy. But I'm not her! I changed!" Leafy reasoned angrily. She looks into the fresh pond water in anger. 

"But is proving Firey wrong worth having to take five pills a day?" Donut asked Leafy. Leafy looks at the boy beside her with guilt written on it. Proving Firey wrong was all that she had in getting her reputation back. She wanted to prove to Firey that she can be a nice person and she wasn't the person she was back then. 

It was only one time she did something that major. Shouldn't she have a second chance in life? It was only one time. She didn't deserve being treated like a manipulator, liar, or more worthless than a crunchy leaf. 

"I know...but at this point, what's better. Dying with a reputation of a stealer, or being loved and cared for?" Leafy asked.  She stood on the grass that tickled her feet and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, Donut. If doing this means I can restore my reputation like this, then I don't mind dying with the knowledge of being loved." Leafy said before walking away with Spongy and Gelatin who were heading up.

Donut looks back at the pond with a pit feeling in his stomach. He wanted to convince Leafy so badly that what she's doing isn't a good idea.

He noticed how Leafy would act around certain people. Whenever she looks at the ground spacing out is the cue for her to leave for a couple of minutes. Donut would debate on following her, but he assume she'd be more than fine when she came back. It's been going on, especially after that moment with Four.

He's not dumb. He knows what Leafy's doing to herself, and it's killing him how much he wants to stop her. Otherwise it'd be too late.

He can't see another terminal death from someone he's recently gotten close to. He can't see that again. 

Donut, after an hour's worth of contemplation and diary writing, walks back to the top of the hole to find Leafy talking with The Losers. He looks at her with creased eyebrows.

She's internally killing herself just for the sake of being liked again. Is it even worth it? 

Would Donut want to do that again, even after realizing how much overdosage killed people per year? Would he want to take the amount of pills he used to take before realizing who he was as a person? 

He wishes he got to Leafy's head somewhat. He would do anything to save a life from overdosing.

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