Those Pills,

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It has been days since Leafy's popularity. She enjoys being the center of attention for a good thing for one. However, the teams were all finally given a break. Due to Four's absence, Donut and X have been taking over hosting. Today was a day for relaxing. Nothing else to be doing because apparently, Donut has a headache. 

Leafy's glad that they all had a break for once. She can stay in the forest without having to talk to anybody. At least, she hoped that was the case. However, she was caught walking toward the hole that Team Ice Cube dug up. The six eventually made it to the ginormous hole that was dug up after the Lava incident. Leafy looks down at the hole in fear. Donut holds onto Leafy's hand and smiles.

"No worries. It's a pretty long fall, but you won't get hurt." He reassured the leaf. Leafy looks at him with worry.

"You sure?" She asked Donut. He nodded back.

"Here. Keep hold of my hand." He said while firmly tightening his grip on Leafy's hands. Leafy smiles at the comforting pastry in front of her. 

"Ooh! Me too, me too!" Said Gelatin. Donut groans before looking at the boy beside him with irritation.

"Not now, Gelatin." He muttered. Gelatin pouts while looking at Donut.

"Come on, please~? I get scared of heights too..." The jelly boy said. He buckles his knees inward while twiddling his thumbs. He jokingly pouts in his position. Donut looks at the boy in green with a blush before groaning.

"Fine! Just don't say anything weird to our guest." He said. Gelatin nodded before hugging Donut's arm. Donut shakes his head in disbelief before smiling awkwardly at Leafy.

"Apologies, Leafy. He can be a bit clingy..." Donut said. Leafy shook her head.

"It's no problem! He is your boyfriend anyways. I think I'll be fine anyways." Leafy said while letting go of Donut's hand. Donut looks at Leafy with a look of confusion.

"Are you sure..? I don't mind holding on to you.." He asked. Leafy nodded in response before Donut said 'Ok.'. 

"Come on, ice cube gang and Leafy! Let's go!" Barf Bag said while curling the tips of her bag. She then jumps into the hole while screaming. Naily also runs towards the hole at full speed, in the process of bumping Bomby in. The three fell into the deep pit. Gelatin, Donut, and Leafy look down at the other three objects free-falling. 

"Come on, Party Pooper! Let's get in already!" 

"Alright, alright," Donut replied. He looks at Leafy and says a few things before the two fall into the pit. Leafy looks down in confusion. What was Donut saying? All she can piece together was 'please' and 'pills'. Does Donut know? 

He shouldn't know. She was being as discreet as possible. Were there any loopholes that caused anything? Why? Is it because he was just suspicious earlier? Did someone rumor another thing behind her back again? What caused this situation that's making her think way too much about it?

Leafy looks down at the hole in fear. It sure is a deep and far way down. Like the other five ice cubes, Leafy's scared of free-fall. Maybe her antidepressants stopped working. Leafy pulls out her pills and scarfed four more down. She then awaits for the queasy feeling in her stomach to disappear. Five minutes after, Leafy could feel the world become brighter and her mouth begins to twist at the corners of her mouth. 

Finally. Leafy looks down at the hole and smiles.

"This'll be so much fun," Leafy said. She backs up a little on her weak, shaky legs and runs towards the hole. The feeling in her guts told her to stop, but her pills told her to go, go, go. Her feet eventually couldn't feel the ground anymore and the gravitational pull on her body started.

She hoots in excitement before the hole to the only source of light shrinks and shrinks. She turned herself around and looked around at all the flying specks of dust dirt and roots bigger than the size of her body. She found the hole dug up interesting. 

Eventually, the ground to the hole was nearing. Leafy could hear the small chatters coming from it. She looks down at the ground and finds the five objects sitting on the dirt and hanging out.

"Donut! Barf Bag!" She screamed, alerting the two objects. Donut looks up and immediately opens his arms for Leafy. The girl was eventually caught by Donut and she looks at Donut with a frazzled look. Donut chuckles at the girl's fear and excitement.

"You'll get used to it eventually." He said before putting down the girl. The group begins to stand up on their legs and stretch.

"About time you got down here." Said, Barf Bag. Leafy awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Was contemplating since everyone left me." Leafy said while eyeing Donut. Donut rolls his eyes playfully before waving toward the others.

"Come on. Let's get going." Donut said. The group of six walked together through the hole. Leafy found the area beautiful. This could be her new hiding spot. Maybe then no one would have to bother her. Maybe then she won't have to take the pills. But for now, the pretty crystals that poked out and shimmered in the dirt were more interesting than the thought of stopping her intake of pills.

After a five-minute walk, the six objects eventually made it to what seemed to be the forest's twin brother. The area looked incredible with the fresh waterfall and its greenery surrounding it. Leafy would probably go as far as to live in here. She has a couple of yoyleberry seeds. By then she'd probably have everything she needs to live here. Escape everything and everyone. She could stay here and happily contribute her life to this amazing place when the time comes. When she gets regenerated, she'll only come back here to contribute even more. Leafy sits on the ground near the pond and begins to awe at the scenery

"So? What do you think of this place, Leafy?" Asked Donut. He sits next to Leafy by the water and looks around the location. The corner of Leafy's mouth begins to twist upward.

"It's lovely," Leafy said. Donut chuckles at her response.

"What I thought as well. The team loves this place..." Donut says. He looks up at Leafy with a look of nostalgia.

"Too bad some of you guys will be leaving to continue BFB. Hopefully, you win it Leafy! I'm pretty sure you deserve this win at least." Donut smiled. Leafy could feel the stinging of her heart. She didn't know why. She should be happy knowing that at least one person agrees with her. But she couldn't. She doesn't understand why. 

"Donut? We're gonna start headin' up!" Barf Bag said. Donut looks over and nodded.

"Go without me! I and Leafy are gonna hang out here some more." Donut said. Barf Bag walked up to the doughy pastry and kissed his forehead.

"Ok. I'll see you up there for the challenge, right?" Barf Bag asked. Donut nodded in response, kissing Barf Bag back. The two pull apart from their loving kiss.

"Ok. I'll see you later. Bye-bye, hun." Barf Bag said before escorting the other ice cube members up. Donut continues to gaze through the trees and vines that embraced the beautiful waterfall.

A few five minutes pass before Donut started a conversation.

"So...those pills," Donut said. Leafy whips we head towards Donut.

"What...what about them?" Leafy smiled. Her pills were wearing off. She could feel it. Donut looks down at the water.

"They're not prescribed to you. Are they?" Donut asked. Leafy scoffed. 

"What're you talking about?" Leafy asked. Donut raised an eyebrow at Leafy. She sighs before pulling out the container of the small tablets of medicine.

"These...aren't mine. I found them in the forest with its label ripped off. I wonder whose this is at some point..." Leafy mumbles while rubbing her fingertips on the still somewhat adhesive side of the pill bottle. 

No wonder Donut worded out something. He knew this wasn't the real Leafy, to begin with. When did he find out? Only now to find out, she guesses.

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