💜part 17💜

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Jungkook wake up, squinting his eyes open by the sunlight that has been disturbing in the middle of his sleep. He rub his eyes, causing them to open widely. Noticing something heavy on his leg, Jungkook look beside him.

There is Taehyung who's still sleeping peacefully. His eyes closed, mouth slightly gap opened. The bear plushie is still in his hand but it started to get loosen. Taehyung is in the blanket but down below, his leg is not, in fact it was laid on top of Jungkook's leg.

Jungkook don't even know how can Taehyung didn't wake up by the sunrise with the curtain slightly opened. But he just realised the reason. Jungkook move away a little. The rays of sunlight finally hit his husband's face. But to his surprise, Taehyung is still not waking up, except having one second of eyes squinting, after that he didn't even open his eyes.

Jungkook carefully move Taehyung's leg away from his. He needed to take a shower. After covering Taehyung's exposed leg just now with the blanket, he grab his towel and go straight to the bathroom.

Done taking shower, Jungkook walk out but facepalm seeing Taehyung is still not even budge from the bed. The difference is, Taehyung just move his sleep position. The blanket Jungkook noticed up to the younger's chest somehow loosen down to his waist, and the plushie he hug just now is far away from his hands.

Jungkook approach Taehyung, sitting on the bed beside his husband's face. "Taehyung, Taehyung ah wake up". Jungkook call without touching Taehyung.

Taehyung frown as he hummed in his sleep. Annoyed that his sleep in bothered. Because of that, he's not opening his eyes.

"Taehyung, wake up. It's already 8". Jungkook then start to touch Taehyung's shoulder.

"Hmm five minutes, please". Taehyung move again, making grabby hands, probably searching for his plushie. Instead of bringing the plushie closer to Taehyung, Jungkook place it at the edge of the bed, many inches away from his husband. He really want Taehyung to wake up.

Jungkook can see that Taehyung is frowning. He can predict that Taehyung will open his eyes feeling annoyed, but instead Taehyung made his grabby hand to his side. He caught Jungkook's arm and cling onto it. He even get his head closer to Jungkook and hug the arm tightly.

Jungkook widened his eyes. His plan to wake Taehyung up clearly fail. Instead he had to give his arm to Taehyung. Sighing, he can feel Taehyung scooted closer and closer to him until his arm touched Taehyung's cheeks. Taehyung is literally sleeping with his head on Jungkook's arm right now.

Taehyung is not usually like this. At home, Taehyung never wake up late. Jungkook knows it cause everyday, Taehyung will wake him up early in the morning with the sound of some metal pots collide with each other, means Taehyung is busy having fight in the kitchen. Jungkook never blame it though, that's a very peculiar way for him to wake up. Now Jungkook is wondering what makes his husband waking up late today.

"Mmhh cold.." He can see Taehyung is whimpering while having the same frown on his face. Jungkook then pull up the blanket, covering Taehyung's shiver body. Taehyung can be seen to calm down a little. He hummed in calmness as he snuggle more onto Jungkook's arm.

Jungkook didn't pull his hand, it would be so bad for him to do that. He wanted to wake Taehyung up, but not in the cruel way. As long as Taehyung can sleep peacefully on his arm, Jungkook has no right to object. His hand made its way to Taehyung's face, brushing away some hair that has been covering the younger's forehead. Jungkook did that intentionally, so that he can have a full view of Taehyung's face clearly. His husband's sleeping face is one of the many things he admire from the younger. Unknowingly, he pat Taehyung's back softly, letting themselves stay like that for a while.

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