0-2 Bonus Chapter!

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Alternate Universe! Pt. 2

Secret Agent Y/n x Supervillain Gru

Status: Unedited


You sat with your girls as Margo started talking to Antonio. She had seen him in the mall walking around and developed a crush on him. When Eduardo met you. He introduced his son to her while flirting with you.

You stared at the boy for a moment, then took your attention back to Eduardo, who was flirting with you and making cheesy jokes, "I've always wanted daughters, but when my Doña Maria died I... I couldn't even think of finding someone to fill the void..."

"Of course, she's irreplaceable," you held his hand in sympathy as you continued to reminisce, "when I started life, I was lonely. Then my girls found me, and I've been whole ever since... don't worry, you don't need to move on, but if you do, you'll find them."

Your smile made his heart flutter for the first time in twenty years, "You should come to our Cinco De Mayo party. It will be fun."

You hummed, looking out the window, "I need to check my calendar, but I'll call you when I can, okay?"

He nodded, standing up and walking to the kitchen as the waiter told you that your food was on the house, wrapping up your leftovers for you to leave, "girls, we're leaving, come on."

You had an alert on your phone, "Breaking News! Super Villain Blonde Bomb dead at Motorcycle collision on Highway 941, Stay Tuned for More!"

Your heart hurt, but you didn't understand why. You got a call and looked down, "did you see the news? You feel it too, right?"

You sighed, picking up the phone call and grabbing the bags, motioning for the girls to follow, "Xiao, we didn't know her -"

"But you're still sad, right? Like you just lost a deep part of your soul?" She was out of breath, "I found something, come by the lab when you can." Her breath hitched, as if she had been crying.

You walked put as Margo gushed about Antonio, "and he really likes GTA... mom?"

You turned your head towards her, "how do you feel about Antonio? He invited me to their Cinco De Mayo party."

You grimaced, "I don't like him."

Her face fell for a moment before you continued speaking, "But if he makes you happy, you can go and try. Live your life. Don't let me make the choices for you."

She smiled, "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, baby." You smiled, walking back to the shop, "Be back before the sun goes down, or when you are tired."

You walked in, putting your apron back on before the store opened. You pinned your hair back before the first customer walked in, "Good afternoon!"


Gru groaned, stretching his back, "Just comply until the contract is done. You don't want to go to jail, now do you?"

"So, tonight." You walked in the kitchen, Lucy followed as she nodded.

"We already know that he would be there overnight, so we need someone to distract him." She smiled, and your eyes widened, making you shake your head rapidly.

"No, no. I have my girls, I can't do that." You declined, taking your uniform off and hung it up.

"Gru can take care of the girls while I go and investigate his shop. Please!" Lucy pleaded, "he likes you! Please! For the girls to be safe."

You rubbed the bridge of your nose as you felt a headache occur, "Gru."

He looked mildly surprised, hut gave you his full attention, before you sighed, "You take good care of my girls or I will end you."

He nodded in slight terror as you left to approach Salsa y Salsa, hoping to catch Eduardo before he closed for the night.

You opened the door before a server rushed to you, "ma'am, I'm so sorry, but we're closing in five minutes."

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm looking for Eduardo Perez?"

The server looked around worriedly, "is something wrong?"

"Yes, I must speak with him immediately." Your confidence boomed, making the man cower.

"Yes, of course." He ran to the staff door, quickly entering the kitchen.

You felt bad, but how else were you going to get his attention?

The small man emerged, running out to see what customer was complaining, "Aye, mi amoré, que tú quieres?"

He held your hand, and his worry slowly faded as you smiled, "Nothing, I just needed to talk to you, I didn't mean to scare you."

He nodded, "So? What are you here for?"

You blanked before stating, "dinner. Outside of the mall, I mean... I don't socialize much, and it's so rare to find other single parents in this area.

I feel like if we got to know each other better, it would be easier to support each other. Help out, you know?" You smiled as the man's heart thumped harder again.

"Of course, let me grab my things, and I'll take you to this wonderful Middle Eastern restaurant, I'm sure you'll love it." He kissed your hands and went to the kitchen as you gave a deep sigh.


"And them having no father is so much harder on them than I expected." You sipped on your drink as his eyes filled with an emotion you hadn't seen before.


"Well, you always have me. I'm even surprised you invited me out tonight. I know your girls are always your first priority." He smiled, enjoying the feeling of your touch as he held your hand.

"I just worry that with all I work, I have no time for my girls anymore." You sighed, taking another sip from the glass as your lipstick left a red stain on the rim.

Eduardo waved the waiter over, paying for the meal before helping you out of your chair, "this was nice. We should do this again soon, yes?"

You nodded, an uncomfortable feeling settled in the pits of your stomach as he opened the car door to take you home. The ride was very long for you, but for Eduardo, it went by too quickly.

Even when he took the longest route to get to your house and many wrong turns, it went by too quickly. Maybe it was the way the wind played with your hair. Or maybe it was the way that dress clung to you and hugged you in all the right places.

Regardless of, he knew what he wanted, and yet couldn't bring himself to tell you. Not yet at least.

You walked out of the car, thanking him for the evening before walking in the house, locking it quickly behind you, and took your heels off immediately to slip your house shoes on.

You walked into the living room to see a large messy but, more importantly, three girls and their babysitter fast asleep on the couch.

Your heart swelled with joy as they felt comfortable enough with him to fall asleep. You were happy for the first time in a long time.

A hand shot up from the couch, motioning for you to come over, you walked over to see what he needed, but he pulled you in instead. Sitting by him, sleep overtook you on the comfortable couch.

It was the best sleep you had in awhile.

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