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You watched the boys leave, waving them off as Dru looked like he was going to cry again. The boat in the distance was moving fast enough to get them there within the next hour or so.

You could only pray that Gru would be patient enough to guide his brother and bond just enough to be a groomsman at the wedding.

You could hear the clack of shoes walking down the hallway, a very familiar sound that made your heart jump. You could hear people talking in the hallway as you hastily made your way out of the room.

"Nelu?" The tall man turned and opened his arms, his broad shoulders shook as he laughed, "Y/n!"

You squealed and ran to hug him, "How- When did you get here? How did you get here? You're supposed to be in Barcelona for the Convention -"

"But I wouldn't miss my favorite girl's wedding for the world. The fish can wait." You jumped and hugged him back as he squeezed you.

"So, where's the groom?" He looked behind you, searching for the tall man, "He's usually attached to the hip."

"Business trip." You said as he nodded slowly.

"Unsupervised?" You slapped the brunette's chest as the halls filled with his boisterous laugh.

"So... Tea?" You asked as he finally set you down.

"Anything for my favorite girl." He walked behind you as you made your way to the balcony.

"Your girlfriend wouldn't like you saying that." You stopped, putting your hand to your lips in faux surprise, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. You don't have one."

You opened the door for him, "Haha, very funny, how are your parents doing?" He walked past you, sitting down at the table.

You slapped the back of his head as you sat next to him, Fritz started to set up the table for the three of you, "So, what have you got?"


Lucy slumped her shoulders, unable to find anyone in the house, not even Fritz. It seemed as if they had all disappeared.

She knew the girls were off unsupervised in the woods, which she was fine with, and Y/n had told her something about a business trip that the boys were going off and wouldn't be back until late that night.

The question was, where was everyone else?

She walked to the front door to receive a package and heard laughter.

Turning her head to see what the noise was, she saw you, Fritz, and a tall, handsome man sitting, all having tea.

"And then -" You spoke through laughs, "He triggered the alarm! Nelu got electrocuted so much that he couldn't sit normally for a week!"

The brunette's face was red, covering one part of his face looking away, "That wasn't funny then, and wasn't now. Do you know how awkward it is to explain burn marks down there?"

Lucy felt her stomach drop and raised an eyebrow. There was an extremely attractive person with you alone - well, not alone, with Fritz, and it was obvious you knew each other well.

The last thing she wanted was you to jeopardize your relationship with Dru.

She walked back inside and went to the kitchen to find scissors to unbox her package when Fritza walked in to make more sandwiches, "hello Ms. Lucy."

She looked at him, "Hey. Who was with you guys upstairs?"

Fritz lathered the spread on the bread before slicing them into small triangles and putting them neatly on the tower, "Hm? Oh, Sir Nalu, that is a friend of Dru and Y/n's. He came to celebrate the engagement after I sent for him. He wouldn't have wanted to miss the bridal shower."

Lucy turned, "The bridal shower?"

He nodded, "It seems as though they have their work cut out for them since he can't do both the bridal party and bachelor party."

Lucy turned, "I don't understand."

"Well, Y/n introduced Nalu and Dru, and they've been such good friends since. So good that he's the best man. That could change depending on Gru's attitude towards Dru." Fritzs cleaned the crumbs before gently lifting the tower.

"Well, I just hope they can get along well enough to see that day." Lucy smiled as Fritz sighed.

"I do too." He walked off as Lucy heard talk at the front door.


You heard an agitated person talk downstairs and peered over the edge to see who was at the door. A lady who owned a pig farm, one, you knew well, was talking to Margo in an aggravated manner.

Then it hit you, the festival.

You quickly stood up and went down to the door before the woman did anything too serious, "I curse you and your family!"

The woman spat on the ground as you and Lucy walked outside, "This is why I didn't want Margo to eat the cheese, Lucy."

You sighed, running a hand through your hair, "Pardon my family, they mean no harm, even if they caused such."

The Romanian rolled off of your tongue in a natural manner, "They did not know, nor cared to ask, you know how Americans are with foreign traditions."

"Please, if it means anything, I give your family my blessing for next year's season." You stuck your hand out to Fritz as he gave you a small medallion.

You motioned for the boy to come forward. "You are brave and smart, may your luck change like the tide," You kissed the medallion and pinned it to his shirt.

The boy squealed and bounced with excitement, "Mama! look!"

You took her hands in your own, "I'm sorry for the embarrassment and shame we've caused you. If there is anything, please let me know."

You smiled at her as you slowly stood up, "Thank you for visiting."

You waved as the two left, not as angry as before, but a lot more satisfied than when they came in.

You turned to your friend, "I would think you were a princess if it wasn't for your face." He chuckled.

You threw your slipper, which hit him in the forehead, "Sorry! I'm sorry!"

"You're lucky I took off my heels before tea." You slipped the shoe back on as you walked in.

Were you petty? Yes. Petty enough to ignore a child? Also, yes, but you tried to move on from the betrayal the girls gave you.

Heartbreak was a large word, but it was adequate to fit the bill.

"I was thinking about taking the princess on a stroll around the countryside until Prince Charming comes back. What do you say?" Nelu helped you put your heels back on, seeing as you refused to go anywhere without them.

"I-" Your earpiece beeped as static ran through, and your head turned as you readjusted it, "Dru?"

"Send ***** backfired ***** lives ***** planning *** help **** make it **** love **** Y/n!" You stood up quickly, running to the helicopter.

"I'll be back in an hour, you know what to do, tell Fritz 'Shut down'." You adjusted your gear and started the aircraft.

You'd be there in 10 minutes or less, regardless of what physics had to say about it.

No one touches what's yours.

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Status: Edited {1}

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