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"I'm sorry, El Macho?" Silas asked as the three of you sat in front of him, "Haven't we eliminated him as a suspect after the whole, salsa incident?"

"The what?" you looked at them.

"Yes, but there has been a new development, and I'm telling you this is the guy. You need to arrest him immediately. And his deviously charming son! I'm pretty sure that the son is involved too. The son also, you got to get the son too. I think that the son is the mastermind! There's a look, a devilish look in his eyes, and I don't like it."

"Yes," Silas fixed his tie, "But I don't see any evidence."

"Evidence, schmevidence. I go with my gut, and my gut tells me that this guy is El Macho. Lock him up, lock up the son. Don't forget about the son. The kid gives me the creeps!" You sighed as Gru sat there with his explanation.

"But, on the less," Lucy whistled, "crazy side of things, Gru discovered traces of the serum at Eagle Hair Club!"

Lucy continued to praise Gru to give him more credit and seem less crazy, but you sat there, kind of annoyed, "What about you Ms. Y/n?"

"If there truly were traces of PX-41 in Eagle Hair Club, then I cannot argue against it, but from what I've seen, it would be planted. Floyd doesn't care about much besides hair. To the point that it's... less than settling." You spoke recalling your time with him.

"But I do believe there is some merit to what Gru was saying. Something about Eduardo is just... not right. Whether he is El Macho or not, he has something to do with the serum." You looked up, snapping back into reality.

"I do have to say that it sounds crazy, we'll keep that in mind." Silas sat back in his chair, more open to your more rational explanation, "We will send agents to Eagle Hair Club to see what information we can receive."

"No, I mean, sure. But it's not him, it is El Macho!" Gru had that look again.

"Mr. Gru, please!" Silas tried to reason.

"No! It is him and I will prove it!" He stormed off, leaving you and Lucy with Silas.


You were home, unable to relax, you took a shower and slipped on a comfortable robe. You were about to call a pizza when your doorbell rang.

You debated on not answering, but on the slim chance that it would be Gru, you walked to the front door and opened it.

"Hello, Y/n! I've got my friend Jordan with me, and I thought the two of you could go out, get some food, walk the pier, you know, get out of the house." She gave that obnoxious smile as she pointed to the guy next to her.

"Do you just... do this in your spare time? I didn't ask to be paired up to go out on a date. I never told you I was okay with going on a blind date with a stranger who just happens to be single." Your mood got worse.

"I'll go this once because you had the indecency to show up to my house with him. After this, I don't want to see you again Jillian. All of these unwanted favors have gone too far." You closed the door without letting her speak.

You grabbed a flattering grey dress and walked out of the house with your purse, walking with the man Jillian left at your door.


You got lucky that the place he brought you to was Salsa y Salsa, if anything unwanted were to happen, Eduardo would be there for you.

The man was a bit shorter than Gru, but had a head of brown hair, "I'll admit, I was nervous when Jillian set me up with another blind date. The last time I couldn't even look at her."

You sat there awkwardly, "You know, I date to marry, which I get if you don't, cause some people have commitment issues, but marriage is a very important part of my culture, having kids living life, all that."

You nodded, "I also date to marry, but my partner would have to be alright with me working a lot."

Jordan looked at you, "Work? When we get married, you won't be working. I'm the man, so I'm working. You stay home with the kids, 'cause that's where you're supposed to be."

You looked at him concerned, clicking your emergency contact button on your phone that sent an SOS to three emergency contacts in your phone, "What else is normal."

"Well, my pops always taught me that women need to be submissive, y'know? If they're not then like any person, they need to be disciplined and taught correctly." You sat uncomfortably in your chair, wanting to leave.

Trying to figure out the best way to leave while he kept explaining his views on marriage and children. Eduardo came out with refills for your table, watching this scene play out.

"Hola Bonita, it's wonderful that you brought a friend, I know it's short notice, but I was wondering if you could help me with something in the kitchen quickly?" You nodded and apologized to the man, grabbing your purse and swiftly following El Macho.

You stood in the kitchen, trying to calm your nerves, as a blonde and an Asian woman walked towards the table you were just at, helping Jordan out of the restaurant.

"Are those your friends?" Eduardo noticed how your table was now empty.

"Yes, Xiao, Anita, and Gru get to my location when there's an emergency." You sat down as he gave you a drink.

"Well, I'm glad you have such great devoted women in your life." He patted your back, helping you to his car as he went to take you home.

"Are they...?" You nodded, "Anita and Xiao have been with me a long time. There are four of us, Claudia is on leave at the moment."

You looked out the window to see Lucy and Gru drive away together, having that sinking feeling return, Eduardo seeing it too.

"Ah, Bonita, they don't deserve you. Let's get you home, with some pizza. I'll stay with you until your friends show up." Eduardo called a pizza place and ordered you something while you went to change.

"Eddie? Thank you." You walked over, kissing his forehead as you slumped against the couch.

"Don't mention it. I know it's hard, taking care of three girls, and a grown man who only ever takes advantage of you, plus running your own companies." Eduardo combed through your hair with his fingers.

That's when it set in. He had been taking advantage of you. You were love-bombed by a man who chased you for years, who you wanted in return.

You sat on the couch, wondering if you were overthinking or if this was what happened.

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Status: Edited {1}

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